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[转载插件] [经济|综合]AuctionMaster —— 一款自定义强度高的拍卖行插件[1.8-1.15]

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-4-20 12:29
  • 签到天数: 8 天


    发表于 2020-4-5 13:46:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    中文名称: 拍卖大师
    英文名称: AuctionMaster
    来源: 转载
    类型: |Spout插件| 
    前置插件: Vault ProtocolLib
    原帖地址: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/auctionmaster-1-8-1-15.76072/
    下载地址: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/auctionmaster-1-8-1-15.76072/
    更新时间: 2020-04-05
    语言支持: English 
    本帖最后由 weold957 于 2020-4-5 13:46 编辑




    1. <span style="font-family: Consolas, &quot;Courier New&quot;, Courier, monospace; font-size: 13.3333px; white-space: nowrap; color: blue;">#您可以在menus文件夹中的menu_name.yml中编辑特定的菜单设置。</span>
    2. <span style="font-family: Consolas, &quot;Courier New&quot;, Courier, monospace; font-size: 13.3333px; white-space: nowrap; color: blue;">#背景颜色:</span>
    3. <span style="font-family: Consolas, &quot;Courier New&quot;, Courier, monospace; font-size: 13.3333px; white-space: nowrap; color: blue;">#输入</span><font color="#0000ff" face="Consolas, Courier New, Courier, monospace"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px; white-space: nowrap;">0为白色</span></font>


    1. #Let the plugin know what currency you want to use
    2. #for your player's auctions

    3. #Put 'Vault' for Vault Currency(Default)
    4. #Put 'Skript' for Skript Currency
    5. #If you misspell the currency type, it will automatically select Vault
    6. currency-type: 'Vault'

    7. #If your currency does not work the auction won't either
    8. #There are two possible errors:
    9. #Error 404 = The currency plugin is missing
    10. #Error 505 = The player's currency is unreachable (Frequently caused by undeclared/misspelled skript variables)

    11. #----------- Skript Configuration -----------
    12. #Use %player% for player's name
    13. #The variable should be like in skript but without braces
    14. #Example: {balance.%player%} would be balance.%player%
    15. skript-variable: 'balance::%player%'


    1. bids-menu-name: '&8Auction View'

    2. bid-history-item: '358:0'
    3. bid-history-item-name: '&fBid History'
    4. bid-history-item-lore:
    5.   no-bids:
    6.    - '&7No bids have been placed on'
    7.     - '&7this item yet.'
    8.     - ''
    9.     - '&7Be the first to bid on it!'
    10.   #The lore of the bid history item is dynamic when
    11.   #it has bids on it, the structure below repeats itself
    12.   #at every new bid, adding to the lore
    13.   #Use %bid-amount% for the amount of the bid
    14.   #Use %bidder-display-name% for bidder's display name
    15.   #Use %when-bidded% for when the bid was placed (eg. 2 Days) (Ago is not included so you can modify)
    16.   bid-structure:
    17.    - '&8&m--------------'
    18.     - '&7Bid: &6%bid-amount% coins'
    19.     - '&7By: %bidder-display-name%'
    20.     - '&b%when-bidded% Ago'

    21. #This is the message items with "Ending soon" will give when clicked
    22. too-late-to-open-now: '&cIt is too late to open this now!'

    23. #When the auction is claimed by the seller, the bid history
    24. #no longer updates %when-bidded% and the message below is added
    25. #to the bid history item lore
    26. #Use %date% for the date of the last updated
    27. bid-history-last-updated-message: '&8Last updated on %date%'

    28. submit-bid-cannot-afford-item: '394'
    29. #Use %bid-amount% for the needed amount (that the player does not have)
    30. submit-bid-cannot-afford-item-name: '&6Submit Bid'
    31. submit-bid-cannot-afford-item-lore:
    32. - ''
    33.   - '&7New Bid: &6%bid-amount% coins'
    34.   - ''
    35.   - '&cCannot afford bid!'

    36. submit-bid-item: '371'
    37. submit-bid-item-name: '&6Submit Bid'
    38. submit-bid-item-lore:
    39.   no-previous-bids:
    40.    - ''
    41.     - '&7New Bid: &6%bid-amount% coins'
    42.     - ''
    43.     - '&eClick to bid!'
    44.   #Use %bid-amount% for the amount the bid will have
    45.   #Use %previous-bid% for the previous bid's amount
    46.   #Use %coins-to-pay% for the difference between previous bid and actual bid
    47.   with-previous-bids:
    48.    - ''
    49.     - '&7New Bid: &6%bid-amount% coins'
    50.     - '&7Previous Bid: &e%previous-bid% coins'
    51.     - ''
    52.     - '&7You pay: &6%coins-to-pay% coins'
    53.     - ''
    54.     - '&eClick to bid!'

    55. collect-bid-item: '41'
    56. collect-bid-item-name: '&6Collect Auction'
    57. collect-bid-item-lore:
    58. #Use %coins% for the amount of coins the player could collect
    59.   collect-coins:
    60.    - ''
    61.     - '&7You have &6%coins% coins'
    62.     - '&7to collect from this'
    63.     - '&7auction.'
    64.     - ''
    65.     - '&eClick to collect!'
    66.   collect-item:
    67.    - ''
    68.     - '&7You have items to'
    69.     - '&7collect from this auction'
    70.     - ''
    71.     - '&eClick to collect!'

    72. edit-bid-item: '266'
    73. #Use %current-bid% for the amount the player has selected to bid
    74. edit-bid-item-name: '&fBid Amount: &6%current-bid% coins'
    75. #Use %minimum-bid% for the minimum amount you have to bid on the auction
    76. edit-bid-item-lore:
    77. - '&7You need to bid at least'
    78.   - '&6%minimum-bid% coins &7to hold the top'
    79.   - '&7bid on this auction.'
    80.   - ''
    81.   - '&7The &etop bid&7 on auction'
    82.   - '&7end wins the item.'
    83.   - ''
    84.   - '&7If you do not win, you can'
    85.   - '&7claim your bid coins back.'
    86.   - ''
    87.   - '&eClick to edit amount!'

    88. #The sign used for editing has the same text
    89. #as the starting bid on auction creator

    90. #Message for when you try to edit the bid with a value smaller than needed
    91. edit-bid-deny-message: '&cYour bid is too low.'

    92. #Message for when the bid is placed successfully
    93. placed-bid-message: '&aYour bid was successfully placed!'

    94. #Message for when you have 28 bids (reached the limit)
    95. max-bids-reached: '&cYou can have maximum 28 bids on different auctions at the same time.'

    96. #Message sent to players when they get outbidded
    97. #Use %outbid-player-display-name% for the name of the outbidder
    98. #Use %top-bid% for the new top bid
    99. #Use %bid-item% for the name of the item
    100. #USe %click-message% for the portion of text that sends you to the auction when clicked
    101. outbid-message:
    102. - '&6[Auction] &fYou got outbidded by %outbid-player-display-name%&f on %bid-item%&f.'
    103.   - '&fThe new top bid is &6%top-bid% coins&f. &e&lCLICK TO VIEW'

    104. #Message sent to the seller when someone bids on their auction
    105. #Use %bidder% for bidder's display name
    106. #Use %bid-amount% for the bidded amount
    107. #Use %bid-item% for the name of the item
    108. bid-message: '&6[Auction] %bidder% &fput a bid of &6%bid-amount% coins &fon your %bid-item%&f!'

    109. not-enough-money-bid: '&cYou don''t have enough money to bid this amount.'

    110. #This message is added to the lore of some items
    111. #to let the player know it is their own auction
    112. own-auction-message: '&aThis is your own auction!'

    113. #To prevent a bug where two players bid the same amount
    114. #on the same auction (that happening when 2 players have the same view auction menu opened
    115. #at the same time) this message will be sent to the player if the value they try to submit
    116. #is already in there
    117. bid-error-message:
    118. - '&c[Auction Error] &fWhile you were thinking about submitting someone already bid.'
    119.   - '&cReopening menu...'
    1. #This is the lore of every auctioned item in the menu:
    2. #Use %amount% for item's amount
    3. auction-item-lore:
    4. #The lore for items with no bids on them
    5.   #Use %display-name-seller% for display name of the seller
    6.   #Use %starting-bid% for the starting bid
    7.   #Use %duration% for auction duration
    8.   auction-item-no-bid:
    9.    - '&8&m---------------------'
    10.     - '&7Seller: %display-name-seller%'
    11.     - '&7Starting bid: &6%starting-bid% coins'
    12.     - ''
    13.     - '&7Ends in: &e%duration%'
    14.     - ''
    15.     - '&eClick to inspect!'
    16.   #The lore for items with bids on them
    17.   #Use %display-name-seller% for display name of the seller
    18.   #Use %bids% for the amount of bids
    19.   #Use %top-bid% for the top bid
    20.   #Use %top-bid-player% for the top bid player
    21.   #Use %duration% for auction duration
    22.   auction-item-with-bids:
    23.    - '&8&m---------------------'
    24.     - '&7Seller: %display-name-seller%'
    25.     - '&7Bids: &a%bids% bids'
    26.     - ''
    27.     - '&7Top bid: &6%top-bid% coins'
    28.     - '&7Bidder: %top-bid-player%'
    29.     - ''
    30.     - '&7Ends in: &e%duration%'
    31.     - ''
    32.     - '&eClick to inspect!'
    33.   #Use %display-name-seller% for display name of the seller
    34.   #Use %bids% for the amount of bids
    35.   #Use %top-bid% for the top bid
    36.   #Use %top-bid-player% for the top bid player
    37.   auction-item-ended:
    38.    - '&8&m---------------------'
    39.     - '&7Seller: %display-name-seller%'
    40.     - '&7Bids: &a%bids% bids'
    41.     - ''
    42.     - '&7Top bid: &6%top-bid% coins'
    43.     - '&7Bidder: %top-bid-player%'
    44.     - ''
    45.     - '&7Status: &aEnded!'
    46.     - ''
    47.     - '&eClick to inspect!'
    48.   #Use %display-name-seller% for display name of the seller
    49.   #Use %starting-bid% for the starting bid
    50.   auction-item-expired:
    51.    - '&8&m---------------------'
    52.     - '&7Seller: %display-name-seller%'
    53.     - '&7Starting bid: &6%starting-bid% coins'
    54.     - ''
    55.     - '&7Status: &cExpired!'
    56.     - ''
    57.     - '&eClick to inspect!'

    58. sort-auction-item: '154'
    59. sort-auction-item-name: '&aSort'
    60. #The lore is dynamic so you can only edit
    61. #the names of the sortings
    62. sort-auction-item-sorting:
    63.   highest-bid: 'Highest Bid'
    64.   lowest-bid: 'Lowest Bid'
    65.   ending-soon: 'Ending Soon'
    66.   most-bids: 'Most Bids'
    67.   click-to-switch: '&eClick to switch sort!'

    68. search-auction-item: 323
    69. search-auction-item-name: '&aSearch'
    70. search-auction-item-lore:
    71. - '&7Find items by name.'
    72.   - ''
    73.   - '&eClick to search!'

    74. #The message displayed on the sign when searching for an auction
    75. #There are only 3 rows because the first is where the user writes
    76. search-sign-message:
    77. - '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'
    78.   - 'Type in your'
    79.   - 'search'

    80. create-menu-name: '&8Auction Creator'
    81. manage-own-auctions-menu-name: '&8Your Auctions Manager'
    82. manage-menu-item: '418'
    83. manage-menu-item-name: '&aManage Auctions'
    84. manage-menu-item-lore:
    85. #This lore is displayed when the player has no own auction
    86.   manage-no-own-auctions:
    87.    - '&7Set your own items on'
    88.     - '&7auction for other players'
    89.     - '&7to purchase.'
    90.     - ''
    91.     - '&eClick to become rich!'
    92.   #This lore is displayed when the player has pending auctions
    93.   #Use %auctions% for the number of auctions the player has
    94.   #Use %bids% for the total number of bids on their auctions
    95.   #Use %coins% for the total number of coins on their auctions
    96.   manage-with-own-auctions:
    97.    - '&7You own &e%auctions% auctions &7in'
    98.     - '&7progress or which recently'
    99.     - '&7ended.'
    100.     - ''
    101.     - '&7Your auctions have &a%bids% bids'
    102.     - '&7totaling &6%coins% coins&7.'
    103.     - ''
    104.     - '&eClick to manage!'

    105. preview-no-item-selected: '77'
    106. preview-no-item-selected-name: '&eClick an item in your inventory!'
    107. preview-no-item-selected-lore:
    108. - '&7Selects it for auction'

    109. preview-selected-item-name: '&a&n&lAUCTION FOR ITEM'
    110. preview-selected-item-take-back: '&eClick to pickup!'

    111. #This item appears when the player has 2 or more ended auctions
    112. collect-all-item: '380'
    113. #Use %auctions% for the number of auctions that could be collected
    114. #Use %coins% for the total amount of coins that could be collected
    115. #Use %items% for the expired items that could be collected
    116. collect-all-item-name: '&aClaim All'
    117. collect-all-item-lore:
    118.   own-auctions:
    119.    - '&8Ended Auctions'
    120.     - ''
    121.     - '&7You have &e%auctions% &7ended auctions'
    122.     - '&7totaling a value of &6%coins% &7coins'
    123.     - '&7and &e%items% &7items from expired auctions.'
    124.     - ''
    125.     - '&eClick to claim!'
    126.   own-bids:
    127.    - '&8Ended Auctions'
    128.     - ''
    129.     - '&7There are &e%auctions% &7ended auctions'
    130.     - '&7on which you bid.'
    131.     - ''
    132.     - '&7You have &6%coins% &7coins to'
    133.     - '&7claim back from lost auctions and'
    134.     - '&e%items% &7items from won auctions.'
    135.     - ''
    136.     - '&eClick to claim!'

    137. #The message sent when the player has a full inventory but tries to claim an item
    138. not-enough-inventory-space: '&cYou don''t have enough inventory space!'

    139. create-auction-item:
    140.   no-item-selected-material: '159:14'
    141.   no-item-selected-name: '&cCreate Auction'
    142.   no-item-selected-lore:
    143.    - '&7No item selected!'
    144.     - ''
    145.     - '&7Click an item in your'
    146.     - '&7inventory to select it for'
    147.     - '&7this auction.'
    148.   item-selected-material: '159:13'
    149.   item-selected-name: '&aCreate Auction'
    150.   #Use %item-name% for item's name
    151.   #Use %starting-bid% for starting bid amount
    152.   #Use %duration% for duration of the auction
    153.   #Use %fee% for the total fee
    154.   item-selected-lore:
    155.    - '&7This item will be added to'
    156.     - '&7the auction house for other'
    157.     - '&7players to purchase.'
    158.     - ''
    159.     - '&7Item: &f%item-name%'
    160.     - '&7Auction duration: &e%duration%'
    161.     - '&7Starting bid: &6%starting-bid% coins'
    162.     - ''
    163.     - '&7Creation fee: &6%fee% coins'
    164.     - ''
    165.     - '&eClick to submit!'

    166. #The default starting bid
    167. default-starting-bid: '500'

    168. starting-bid-item: '266'
    169. #Use %starting-bid% for the starting bid amount
    170. #Use %starting-fee% for the starting bid fee
    171. starting-bid-item-name: '&fStarting Bid: &6%starting-bid% coins'
    172. starting-bid-item-lore:
    173. - '&7The minimum price a player'
    174.   - '&7can offer to obtain your'
    175.   - '&7item.'
    176.   - ''
    177.   - '&7Once a player bids for your'
    178.   - '&7item, other players will'
    179.   - '&7have until the auction ends'
    180.   - '&7to make a higher bid.'
    181.   - ''
    182.   - '&7Extra fee: &6+%starting-fee% coins &e(5%)'
    183.   - ''
    184.   - '&eClick to edit!'
    185. #The message displayed on the sign when changing the starting bid
    186. #There are only 3 rows because the first is where the user writes
    187. starting-bid-sign-message:
    188. - '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'
    189.   - 'Your auction'
    190.   - 'starting bid'
    191. #This message is shown when the starting bid
    192. #could not be registered
    193. starting-bid-sign-deny: '&cThat is not a valid number.'
    194. #Don't use the % symbol, just say how much in 100
    195. #you want the procent to be
    196. starting-bid-fee-procent: '5'

    197. #Use m for minute, h for hour, d for day with a space between the number and time unit
    198. #The maxim auction time is 7 days and you can't set the auction to seconds
    199. #If you enter the time incorectly it resets to 2 h
    200. default-starting-duration: '2 h'

    201. #Custom units for time
    202. #Don't use this in the upper option, these are avalable
    203. #just in auction messages, in the config please use the syntax from the upper comment
    204. second: 'Second'
    205. seconds: 'Seconds'
    206. minute: 'Minute'
    207. minutes: 'Minutes'
    208. hour: 'Hour'
    209. hours: 'Hours'
    210. day: 'Day'
    211. days: 'Days'

    212. #This is the formula that calculates the fee for hours
    213. #x=number of hours
    214. extra-fee-formula: '5*(x+3)+5*x*(Math.floor(x/9)+Math.floor(x/20))'
    215. #The fee for minutes is fixed (5 minutes - 59 minutes)
    216. extra-fee-minutes: '500'

    217. #This is the message used into %extra-fee%
    218. extra-fee-message: 'Extra fee: '

    219. duration-menu-name: '&8Auction Duration'
    220. #This is the message used into duration selection menu
    221. #on the items with time on them
    222. duration-selection-lore: '&eClick to pick!'

    223. duration-item: '347'
    224. #Use %auction-fee% for the duration fee of the auction
    225. #Use %auction-time% for the time of the auction
    226. duration-item-name: '&fDuration: &e%auction-time%'
    227. duration-item-lore:
    228. - '&7How long players will be'
    229.   - '&7able to place bids for'
    230.   - ''
    231.   - '&7Note: Bids automatically'
    232.   - '&7increase the duration of'
    233.   - '&7auctions.'
    234.   - ''
    235.   - '&7Extra fee: &6+%auction-fee% coins'
    236.   - ''
    237.   - '&eClick to edit!'

    238. #The clock inside the duration menu
    239. duration-select-item-name: '&aCustom Duration'
    240. duration-select-item-lore:
    241. - '&7Specify how long you want'
    242.   - '&7the auction to last.'
    243.   - ''
    244.   - '&bRight Click for minutes!'
    245.   - '&eClick to set hours!'

    246. #The message displayed on the sign when changing the duration of the bid
    247. #There are only 3 rows because the first is where the user writes
    248. #%time-format% is hours/minutes.
    249. duration-sign-message:
    250. - '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'
    251.   - 'Auction'
    252.   - '%time-format%'

    253. #The message shown when the amount of hours/minutes entered is incorrect
    254. duration-sign-deny: '&cThat is not a valid number.'

    255. not-enough-money-auction: '&cYou don''t have enough money to create this auction.'

    256. auction-confirm-menu-name: '&8Confirm Auction'

    257. auction-confirm-item-material: '159:13'
    258. auction-confirm-item-name: '&aConfirm'
    259. #Use %cost% for the total price the player
    260. #has to pay to create the auction
    261. auction-confirm-item-lore:
    262.   - '&7Auction Cost: &6%cost% coins'
    263.   - ''
    264.   - '&7Are you sure you want'
    265.   - '&7to create the auction?'
    266.   - ''
    267.   - '&eClick to confirm!'

    268. auction-cancel-item-material: '159:14'
    269. auction-cancel-item-name: '&cCancel'
    270. auction-cancel-item-lore:
    271. - '&7Cancel the creation'
    272.   - '&7of the auction.'

    273. auction-created-message: '&aYour auction was created!'


    1. #Here you can edit messages from the admin menu

    2. npccreate-item-name: '&aCreate NPC'
    3. npccreate-item-lore:
    4. - '&7Create a &aAuctionMaster NPC'
    5.   - '&7at your current location.'
    6.   - ''
    7.   - '&7After the NPC is created you'
    8.   - '&7can use basic Citizens commands'
    9.   - '&7on it.'
    10.   - ''
    11.   - '&7You need &aCitizens &7and &aHolographicDisplays'
    12.   - '&7for this option to work properly!'

    13. npc-debug-item-name: '&aDebug NPCs'
    14. npc-debug-item-lore:
    15. - '&7If you have multiple NPCs'
    16.   - '&7and they don''t have their title'
    17.   - '&7aligned with their entity'
    18.   - '&7click this item.'

    19. manage-ended-auctions-item-name: '&aManage Ended Auctions'
    20. manage-ended-auctions-item-lore:
    21. - '&7Manage ended or expired auctions'
    22.   - '&7by forcefully deleting them.'
    23.   - ''
    24.   - '&7You can delete the auction in two ways:'
    25.   - ''
    26.   - '&7By sending the items & money'
    27.   - '&7via a &aDelivery&7.'
    28.   - ''
    29.   - '&7By completly erasing the auction,'
    30.   - '&7players will lose their money and items.'

    31. manage-auctions-item-name: '&aManage Auctions'
    32. manage-auctions-item-lore:
    33. - '&7Manage auctions that are not ended.'
    34.   - '&7You can add time to an auction, delete it,'
    35.   - '&7edit its price, end it, remove bids.'
    36.   - ''
    37.   - '&7You can also duplicate the auctioned'
    38.   - '&7item and place it into your inventory.'

    39. delivery-item-name: '&aSend Deliveries'
    40. delivery-item-lore:
    41. - '&7Send a &aDelivery&7 to'
    42.   - '&7a player. You can also delete'
    43.   - '&7players'' deliveries using'
    44.   - '&7commands. &a/ahadmin delivery'

    45. help-item-name: '&aCommands Help'
    46. help-item-lore:
    47. - '&7Use &a/ahadmin help&7 or'
    48.   - '&7click this item to show'
    49.   - '&7a list of admin commands'
    50.   - '&7you could use.'

    51. delete-auction-item:
    52.   with-delivery-name: '&aDelete Auction with Delivery'
    53.   with-delivery-lore:
    54.    - '&7Click to delete the auction'
    55.     - '&7and erase all data about it'
    56.     - '&7but sending all the unclaimed'
    57.     - '&7bid coins & items via a &aDelivery&7.'
    58.   without-delivery-name: '&aDelete Auction'
    59.   without-delivery-lore:
    60.    - '&7Click to delete the auction'
    61.     - '&7and erase all data about it.'
    62.     - ''
    63.     - '&cATTENTION!'
    64.     - '&7All players involved in this'
    65.     - '&7auction will lose their bids & coins!'

    66. #This is the manage bids item for auctions that are ended
    67. manage-bids-item-name: '&aDelete Unclaimed Bids'
    68. manage-bids-item-lore:
    69. - '&7From here you can forcefully'
    70.   - '&7remove bids that are not claimed.'
    71.   - ''
    72.   - '&7You can delete them by giving'
    73.   - '&7the coins/item to the bidder'
    74.   - '&7via a delivery or just delete them.'

    75. #This is the manage bids item for auctions that are not ended
    76. manage-bids-item-name2: '&aDelete Bids'
    77. manage-bids-item-lore2:
    78. - '&7From here you can forcefully'
    79.   - '&7remove bids from an auction.'
    80.   - ''
    81.   - '&7You can delete them by giving'
    82.   - '&7the coins to the bidder'
    83.   - '&7via a delivery or just delete them.'

    84. get-item-copy-name: '&aGet Item Copy'
    85. get-item-copy-lore:
    86. - '&7Copy in your inventory'
    87.   - '&7the item held by this auction.'

    88. force-end-auction-name: '&aEnd Auction'
    89. force-end-auction-lore:
    90. - '&7Click to forcefully end'
    91.   - '&7an auction by setting it''s'
    92.   - '&7ending date to the'
    93.   - '&7current time.'
    94.   - ''
    95.   - '&cATENTION!'
    96.   - '&7This is not reversible!'

    97. edit-duration-item-name: '&aEdit Auction''s Duration'
    98. edit-duration-item-lore:
    99. - '&7Click to modify the auction''s'
    100.   - '&7duration by setting or'
    101.   - '&7adding/substracting time.'
    102.   - ''
    103.   - '&7All modifications are in minutes'
    104.   - '&7for more accuracy, if you want'
    105.   - '&7hours/days just do the math...'
    106.   - ''
    107.   - '&eLeft Click to set Duration'
    108.   - '&bRight Click to add/substract'

    109. selected-player-item-name: '&aSelected Player'
    110. selected-player-item-lore:
    111. - '&7Click to select a player for whom'
    112.   - '&7you will apply the options below.'
    113.   - ''
    114.   - '&7Selected Player: &a%player%'
    115.   - ''
    116.   - '&7Attention! The delivery will be sent'
    117.   - '&7even if the username entered'
    118.   - '&7does not exist!'
    119.   - ''
    120.   - '&7Current Delivery Data:'
    121.   - '&7Delivery Items: &e%items-count%'
    122.   - '&7Delivery Coins: &e%coins%'

    123. delivery-send-item-name: '&aSend Delivery'
    124. delivery-send-item-lore:
    125. - '&7Click to config a'
    126.   - '&7delivery and send it to'
    127.   - '&7the selected player.'

    128. delivery-set-item-name: '&aSet Delivery'
    129. delivery-set-item-lore:
    130. - '&7Click to config a'
    131.   - '&7delivery that will overwrite'
    132.   - '&7any existent delivery of'
    133.   - '&7the selected player.'

    134. delivery-remove-item-name: '&aRemove Delivery'
    135. delivery-remove-item-lore:
    136. - '&7Click to remove all'
    137.   - '&7items and coins from'
    138.   - '&7selected player''s delivery.'

    139. delivery-item-clone-name: '&aGet Delivery Items'
    140. delivery-item-clone-lore:
    141. - '&7Get the items from player''s delivery'
    142.   - '&7in your inventory. If you don''t have'
    143.   - '&7enough space, the remaining items will'
    144.   - '&7be dropped on the ground.'

    145. no-selected-player-message: '&cYou can''t click this until you have a player selected!'

    146. no-delivery-to-send: '&cI have nothing to send, select some coins and/or put some items in the free slots!'
    147. no-delivery-to-set: '&cI have nothing to set, if you want to remove their delivery, use the right setting.'
    148. no-delivery-to-work-with: '&cThe selected player has no delivery so this action won''t work!'

    149. delivery-coins-item-name: '&aDelivery Coins'
    150. delivery-coins-item-lore:
    151.   - '&7Current Coins: &6%coins% coins'
    152.   - ''
    153.   - '&7Click to edit the amount'
    154.   - '&7of coins this delivery will'
    155.   - '&7contain.'

    156. confirm-action-item-name: '&aDone!'
    157. confirm-action-item-lore:
    158. - '&7If you think you are'
    159.   - '&7done and want to complete'
    160.   - '&7this action, click here!'

    161. cancel-action-item-name: '&cCancel'
    162. cancel-action-item-lore:
    163. - '&7Cancel this action and'
    164.   - '&7go back to the'
    165.   - '&7previous menu.'


    1. others-menu-item: '32'
    2. others-menu-name: '&2Others'
    3. others-menu-lore:
    4. - '&8Category'
    5.   - ''
    6.   - '&7Anything that is'
    7.   - '&7auctionable and not'
    8.   - '&7in other categories.'

    9. #If you have custom items that you want to be in this
    10. #category, specify their name here
    11. custom-item-names:
    12. - '&e&lExample &6&lItem'

    / ahadmin        打开管理员的主菜单
    / ahadmin help 查看管理员命令的列表。
    /auctionhouse 打开市场菜单
    /ah open <paayer name>打开这个玩家的菜单
    /ah delivery  打开送货菜单(机翻没看懂)


    “ 查看投标”菜单显示您有出价的所有项目,并告诉您您持有最高出价的项目有多少。







    您可以将项目的ID设置为'skull:hdb- id',并显示具有该ID的头像!
    您可以通过简单地使用以下命令来分配没有HeadDatabase的纹理头:'skull:username '




    [spoiler]I don't think I covered everything the plugin contains in the upper text but I can't think of what I missed. For me, as the author of the plugin, everything seems natural and I don't know on what I should insist with explications.
    If you have a problem with the plugin, any kind of problem, please contact me!
    My discord is qKing12#1918
    I usually respond faster on discord but you can dm me on spigot too!  
    I want to say this is the second plugin I ever make, it was quite challenging. When I started this I didn't even know how to make a chest open :D.


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  • TA的每日心情
    2020-10-1 19:45
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    发表于 2020-4-5 16:16:34 | 只看该作者
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  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-14 09:57
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    发表于 2021-1-14 10:57:07 | 只看该作者
    楼主牛逼 造福人类!
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