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[转载插件] [娱乐]Phatloots——更好的宝箱插件[1.7-1.8]内含教程+全局性

  • TA的每日心情

    2016-11-5 14:21
  • 签到天数: 24 天


    发表于 2018-9-2 02:23:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    中文名称: 更好的宝箱
    英文名称: Phatloots
    来源: 转载
    类型: |Bukkit/Spigot插件| 
    原帖地址: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/phatloots
    下载地址: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1C1iQiQd1u2pilppLoEuDCA 密码:6uh1
    更新时间: 2018-09-02
    语言支持: English 
    本帖最后由 饿狼灬青岛 于 2018-9-2 03:58 编辑

    http://www.zuimc.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=46368&highlight=phatloots  qwq,该贴将更加完善这款插件的功能         


    /loot make <name> 创造一个宝箱ID
    /loot look <name> 看着一个箱子,把他变成宝箱
    /loot gui <name> 打开宝箱的物品gui界面(可拿出物品)
    /loot add hand #1(数量) %10(概率) 将手持物品添加到宝箱(看着宝箱)
    /loot time set <天> <时> <分> <秒>  (比如 /loot time set 0 0 10 0=10秒) 同上,需要看着箱子

    #    all:
    #        Melon Block: melons
            Chest: [宝箱名字]
            Trapped_Chest: [宝箱名字]
        找到Phatloots文件夹 找到 config.fml 搜索 AutoLink
    (我的config.yml 文件夹里宝箱名字为:bx)

    找到Phatloots文件夹 找到 config.fml 搜索 ShuffleLoot
    ShuffleLoot: false (默认)

    ##Config file for PhatLoots##Plugin made by Codisimus

    ################## Linkables #################

    ##You may disable any of these features by setting them to false
    ##You should disable all of these that you will not be using

    LootBags: false
    LootBagKey: '&r&0'

    DispenserLoot: true

    ##比如. 僵尸 , 爬行者 , 骷髅 , 蜘蛛 , 玩家
    MobDropLoot: true
    ##比如. 僵尸生成, 骷髅生成, 村民生成
    MobSpawnLoot: true

    ##World Mob Loots should be disabled if you only have one World
    ##e.g. Zombie@MainWorld, Zombie@DungeonWorld
    WorldMobDropLoot: true
    ##e.g. ZombieSpawn@MainWorld, ZombieSpawn@DungeonWorld
    WorldMobSpawnLoot: true

    ##Region Mob Loots are automatically disabled if RegionOwn or WorldGuard is not installed
    ##e.g. Zombie@Graveyard, Spider@Nest
    RegionMobDropLoot: true
    RegionMobSpawnLoot: true

    ##Mob Types should be enabled if you want to distinguish between different types of Zombies, Skeletons, Villagers, etc.
    ##e.g. BabyZombie, WitherSkeleton, PriestVillager
    MobTypes: true

    ##Named Mobs should be enabled if you want to have mobs drop loot based on their name
    ##e.g. ZombieBoss, Skeletor, Paul the Priest
    NamedMobs: true

    ##Fishing Loot should be enabled to modify what Players can fish out of the water
    ##e.g. Fishing
    FishingLoot: true

    ##Votifier Loot should be enabled to modify give Players loot whenever they Vote (Powered by Votifier)
    ##The Vote PhatLoot should be set to autoloot and give little loot to not cause issues with numerous votes at once
    ##e.g. Vote
    VotifierLoot: false

    ##Removing unused materials from this list will help reduce the use of uneeded resources
        - Chest (箱子)
        - Trapped Chest (陷阱箱)
        - Ender Chest (末影箱)
        - Dispenser (酿造台(猜的))
        - Dropper (滴下的东西)
        - Bookshelf (书架)

    ##为了设置这个特性,您必须删除空方括号 []
    #    all:
    #        Melon Block: melons
            Chest: bx
            Trapped_Chest: bx

    ################## MOB LOOTS #################

    ##如果设置为false, PhatLoot怪物物品将会在掉落的战利品之外
    ReplaceMobLoot: true

    OnlyDropLootWhenKilledByPlayer: false
    OnlyDropExpWhenKilledByPlayer: false

    ##如果暴民通过这个插件产生物品,这是物品被丢弃的可能性 (0 - 100)
    MobLootDropPercentage: 20

    ##This setting is used when a weapon has the Looting enchantment
    ##Each level will give an extra percentage chance when rolling for loots
    ##e.g. LootingBonusPerLevel = 5
    ##     Zombies drop 1 rotten flesh 50% of the time
    ##     A zombie is killed with a sword that has Looting IV
    ##     1 rotten flesh would then be dropped at a 70% chance
    ##     50% + (5% x 4 levels)
    LootingBonusPerLevel: 5

    ################## MESSAGES ##################

    ##These are the messages that Players will see while using PhatLoots
    ##Blank messages will not be shown
    ##Use & to specify colors for messages (ex. &3hi&a.)
    ##<amount> will be replaced by the amount of money/experience/items
        Permission: '&4你没有被允许这样做.'
        ExperienceLooted: '&5你获得了&6<amount>&5经验.'
        MoneyLooted: '&5你抢劫了&6<amount>&5.'
        MoneyCharged: '&5你更改了&6<amount>&5.'
        InsufficientFunds: '&4你需要&6<amount>&4来打开箱子.'
        AutoLoot: '&5你获得了&6<item>&5.'
        Overflow: '&5箱子里装满了物品!'
        ChestTimeRemaining: '&4你需要等待 &6<time>&4才能获得该箱子另外的补给!'
        EmptyChestTimeRemaining: '&4你需要等待 &6<time>&4才能获得该箱子另外的补给!'
        CommandTimeRemaining: '&4你需要等待 &6<time>&4才能获得该箱子另外的补给!'
        DispenserTimeRemaining: ''
        MobTimeRemaining: '&4你需要等待 &6<time>&4才能获得该箱子另外的补给!'
        MobDroppedMoney: '&5你获得了&6<amount>钱.'
        MobDroppedItem: ''
        MobDroppedExperience: ''
        LootMessage: ''
        LootBroadcast: ''

    ##PhatLoot Chests will display this name at the top of the Chest GUI
    ##<name> will be replaced with the name of the linked PhatLoot
    ChestName: '&6&l<name>'

    #Damage estimates (as ranges) may be added to the lore of loot
    #Do so by making a line of lore one of the following tags
    UseDamageTags: true
    <dam>: '&5<amount> damage'
    <holy>: '&6+<amount> holy damage'
    <fire>: '&4+<amount> fire'
    <bug>: '&2+<amount> bug repellent'
    <thorns>: '&8<chance>% chance of 1-4 damage'
    <def>: '&5<amount> defense'
    <firedef>: '&4+<amount> fire defense'
    <rangedef>: '&2+<amount> range defense'
    <blastdef>: '&1+<amount> explosion defense'
    <falldef>: '&b+<amount> fall defense'

    ################## DEFAULTS ##################

    ##Each new PhatLoot will have the following settings by default
    ##Each of these settings can be changed per PhatLoot after they are made
        ##Amount of time before the PhatLoot is lootable again
        ##Change Days to -1 in order for it to never reset
            Days: 1
            Hours: 0
            Minutes: 0
            Seconds: 0

        AutoLoot: false

        GlobalReset: false

        ##如果设置为true,当一个全局性箱子被掠夺时,它将消失,当它可能再次被掠夺时重生 (或服务器关闭时)
        BreakAndRespawn: false

        ##If set to true, loot times will be rounded down to 0
        ##This is good if doing Daily or Hourly loots
        ##If ResetTime = 1 Day, 0 Hours, 0 Minutes, and 0 Seconds
        ##   RoundDownTime = true
        ##   Player loots at Day 100, Hour 20, Minute 37, and Second 49
        ##   Values that are 0 in the ResetTime are rounded down
        ##   The loot time is set to Day 100, Hour 0, Minute 0, and Second 0
        ##   This way, the Player can loot the next day even if it is not 24 hours later
        ##If ResetTime = 0 Day, 0 Hours, 5 Minutes, and 0 Seconds
        ##   then only the Seconds value is rounded down (not values to the left of Minutes)
        RoundDownTime: false

        ##The number of items that will be received from the loot collections (if not specified)
        ##An amount of 0 will mean that each loot within the collection is rolled for individually
        ItemsPerColl: 1

    ################### OTHER ####################

    ##Players need permission to use restricted PhatLoots
    ##'phatloots.loot.Epic' or 'phatloots.loot.*' would be needed to loot Epic if it is restricted
    ##You can add as many PhatLoots to this list as you want, just be sure to use spaces instead of tabs
    RestrictAll: false
        - 'PhatLoot1'
        - 'PhatLoot2'
        - 'PhatLoot3'
    #    - 'Rare'
    #    - 'Epic'
    #    - 'Donator'

    ##Whenever an Item is generated that has a Tier above this number it will be logged
    MinimumTierNotification: 100

    ##如果设置为true,则PhatLoot chest将自动设置为unlockable
    SetChestsAsUnlockable: true

    ##这将使范围从100-1275 变成 1.00-12.75
    DivideMoneyAmountBy100: false

    PlaySoundOnAutoLoot: true

    PlaySoundOnChestBreak: true

    UseBreakAndRespawn: true

    ShuffleLoot: true

    AllowDuplicateItemsFromCollections: true

    ForgetInventoryTime: 60

    ##如果永远不会重置的全球钱箱在抢劫后应该被解除连接,则设置为true (被拿走过的宝箱如果不会刷新物品,会变成普通箱子)
    UnlinkGlobalChestsThatNeverReset: false

    ##如果设置为true'/loot give' 和 '/loot <PhatLoot>'会有冷却
    ApplyCooldownToCommandLoot: false

    ##This is how often (in minutes) the plugin will automatically save the loot times
    ##If set to 0, Loot times will only be saved when the server is shut down
    ##This only needs to be set if you worry about losing data in the case of a server crash
    AutoSavePeriod: 1440

    ##This setting will only affect PhatLootChests which are set to GlobalReset and BreakAndRespawn
    ##If set to true then a Player may punch a chest (single hit) to break it
    ##The loot will spill all over the ground near the chests location
    ##This will only apply if BreakAndRespawn=true, and GlobalReset=true
    AutoBreakOnPunch: false



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    发表于 2019-2-2 17:44:58 | 只看该作者
    楼主啊 为什么根本 全局性一点用都没有啊
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    发表于 2019-2-5 19:44:07 | 只看该作者
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