本帖最后由 郝哇塞 于 2018-2-12 22:25 编辑
Watchdog Report 类似于hypixel的举报插件
前言 [spoiler]I started this project awhile ago when I was a total Java noob. Now that I am slightly more knowledgeable in Java, I decided to fix the messy code. This has a config.yml where you can change what VLs to ban on as well as minimum TPS and maxium ping to reduce false banning! This also has a lang.yml to configure all of this plugins messages. Not 3,4, 5, 6, or 7, all of them. Only 6 checks are listened to however because Watchdog has 7 checks (unfortunately AAC doesn't block dolphin ;( so only six checks) that it allows you to report.[/spoiler]
- Killaura 杀戮光环
- AntiKnockback 加速
- Fly 飞行
- AutoClicker 战斗速度
- Speed 速度
- Reach
AAC.notify (当玩家举报作弊玩家时被通知)
修复玩家登陆出现NullPointerException 完成Messages.yml可以修改我们想要的消息 完成让它兼容AAC V3.0.0 和更高的版本 完成防止玩家多次举报同一个玩家 完成- 选项卡执行自定义报表命令的名称