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[快讯] Add-Ons在这里!快来来看看我们的教学视频!

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-4-14 05:18
  • 签到天数: 1283 天


    发表于 2016-10-23 08:54:48 | 只看该作者 |0人打赏回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 Wolverine 于 2016-10-22 18:11 编辑

    The mighty 0.16 update has landed on Pocket and Windows 10 (read all about it here!) bringing with it our first implementation of Add-Ons! They’re a new way for you to customise your Minecraft world, allowing you to poke around in the guts of the game and tweak the way mobs look and behave.
    强大的0.16更新现在已经登陆PE和Windows 10(来看看吧) 。我们第一次实现插件! 这是一个新的方式,你可以自定义你的Minecraft世界,让你在游戏中做出改变,调整生物的外观和行为的方式。

    Want to create an army of chicken-riding, explosive witches? Who doesn’t? And now you can.
    想创建一个骑马的爆炸女巫军队? 可以么?当然可以!

    But… But how?!

    Luckily we have smart dudes Jason Major and Jared Greiner on hand to show you the ropes, or, more accurately, the json files. They sat down to play through the Alien Invasion Add-On we teased at E3 earlier this year, to show you some of the cool things you can do by messing about with mobs:
    幸运的是,我们有两个聪明的家伙Jason Major和Jared Greiner。更准确地说,通过json文件。 他们制作了外星人入侵附加组件,我们今年早些时候在E3展示过,再向你展示一些你可以在模组里对生物做什么:

    And, for those who want to have a crack at making an Add-On themselves, Jared and Jason also made this tutorial video, showing in detail how they melded a skeleton with a rabbit to create a loyal ally, to help defend against the extraterrestrial menace:

    We’ve made the Alien Invasion Add-On available for you to download from our special Add-Ons page. You can find loads more info on how Add-Ons work and what you need to do to install them. We also asked the excellent Sethbling to make an Add-On for us, in collaboration with Mindcrack and Blockworks. It’s pretty darn cool: a massive siege battle in which you can take part, joining either the ravenous horde of mobs or the stout defenders of the keep. Get a glimpse of it in this short teaser video, or download it from the Add-Ons page and see for yourself - you can even share it with friends over Realms!
    我们已经使外星人入侵Add-On可以从我们的官网下载。 你可以找到更多的信息,了解如何使用Addons,以及你需要做什么来安装它们。 我们还要求优秀的Sethbling为我们制作一个附加组件,与Mindcrack和Blockworks合作。 这是非常酷的:有一个大规模的围攻战斗中,你可以参加进去,加入暴徒部落或坚强保卫者。 在这个简短的前导视频中看到它,或从官网下载它,看看自己 - 你甚至可以与朋友在Realms在里玩!

    Add-Ons are a work in progress, our first step towards bringing higher levels of customisation to all our platforms - so they’re likely to change and evolve over time. Let us know what you think!
    Addons是一项正在进行中的工作,是我们向所有平台提供更高级别定制的第一步,因此它们可能会随着时间的推移而发生变化和发展。 让我们知道你的想法!








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