本帖最后由 Wolverine 于 2016-10-21 15:07 编辑
Wet sponges - I’ve recently discovered that babies like to suck on them, which is kinda gross to be honest. But let’s not worry about that for now. Minecraft: Pocket Edition and the Windows 10 Edition beta are being updated to 0.16 today, bringing loads of new features, most of which are not in the slightest bit soggy.
湿海绵——我最近发现婴儿喜欢吸吮它们,which is kinda gross to be honest。但我们现在别为那个担心。Minecraft: 携带版 & Windows 10 版今天已更新到0.16,带来了一堆特性,而且大部分都不怎么潮湿。
First: Add-Ons. These are kind of a big deal. Add-Ons allow anyone to change the way a Minecraft world works. You could, for example, change chickens’ behavior so you can ride them or make creepers even more explodey than they already are. You could take all of your memories, program them into a villager, then study its behaviour to help determine what you should do next with your life. Not sure about that actually, but Add-Ons are most definitely cool.
首先: Add-Ons。 这可是非常了不起的。Add-Ons 允许任何人改变 Minecraft 世界运行的方式。你可以,比如说,改变鸡的行为让你可以骑在它们之上,或让苦力怕的威力比原来更大。你可以把你的所有记忆注入一个村民,然后通过研究它的行为,来帮助你决定你下一步应该做什么(相当于预测未来..)。虽然我不大确定那是真的,但 Add-Ons 无疑是个很酷的东西。
They could change the way you play Minecraft forever. And you can even share them with friends and family over Realms. Check out our dedicated page for more info and to see exciting examples of possible creations. And if you do end up dabbling in Add-Ons provide us with feedback so we can make them even better!
它会永远改变你玩 Minecraft 的方式。并且你甚至可以在 Realms 上和你的朋友与家人分享它们。查看我们的在线页面可获取更多信息,还能看到一些令人兴奋的示例。并且,如果你能提供关于 Add-Ons 的使用反馈,我们就能让它变得更好!
This update also brings the ability to upload and download your worlds to Minecraft Realms. That opens up a wealth of options. You can take your offline worlds and start sharing them with friends, download a Realm for those times you don’t have an internet connection, or use Realms to make regular backups of your offline worlds.
这个更新让你能上传与下载你的 Minecraft Realms 上的存档。这开辟了丰富的可能。你可以在朋友之间分享你的离线存档,把 Realm 下载下来以便在没有网络连接时玩耍,或使用 Realms 来备份你的离线存档。
As if all that wasn’t enough, this update also brings life to a whole new part of your Minecraft worlds. Until now, Pocket and Windows 10 players haven’t had a reason to explore the depths but this update brings Ocean Monuments and their underwater inhabitants - Guardians and Elder Guardians - along with all kinds of water-themed goodness including sea lanterns, prismarine, and more. Go deep and explore!
好像这些还不够似得,这个更新还引入了一个 Minecraft 世界的全新部分。直到现在,携带版 与 Windows 10版玩家还没有理由探索到最深处,但这次更新带来了海底神庙与它们的水下居民——守卫者与远古守卫者——还有各种与水有关的东西,比如海晶灯,海晶石,等等。深入探索吧!
OK! Enough blabbering! Here’s the full changelog!
[UPDATE: this list originally included entries for F3 support and coordinates, but these didn’t make it into this release after all. Soz.]
New Features
- Ocean Monuments
- 海底神庙
- Guardians and Elder Guardians
- 守卫者与远古守卫者
- Prismarine, dark prismarine & prismarine bricks
- 海晶石,暗海晶石 & 海晶石砖
- Prismarine shard & prismarine crystal
- 海景碎片 & 海景沙粒
- Sea lantern
- 海晶灯
- The Wither!
- 凋灵!
- Nether star
- 下界之星
- Beacon
- 信标
- Wet & dry sponges
- 海绵 & 湿海绵
- Slash commands (with a handy auto complete feature). Enable cheats for a world in the options screen for access, but note that Xbox Live achievements will be disabled when you’re using ‘em!
- 斜杠开头的命令(具有方便的自动完成功能)。在世界选项面板里打开即可使用,但要注意的是,当你打开它时,Xbox 线上成就系统会被禁用!
- Custom key bindings! Hooray for lefties!
- 自定义按键绑定!左撇子の福利!
- A new Creative inventory search feature
- 创造模式背包搜索功能
- Add-On section for world settings
- 世界设置里的 Add-On 部分
- Basic F3 support! (Win 10 only)
- 基本的 F3调试面板 支持!(只在Win 10 上可用)
- Coordinates!
- 坐标!
- You can change game modes in Realms (note that doing this will restart the realm)
- 你可以在 Realms 里改变游戏模式(注意这个操作需要重启Realm)
- Ability to upload & download worlds in Realms
- 可在 Realms 中上传&下载世界
- Ability to promote players as operators in Realms
- 可在 Realms 中把玩家设为管理员(OP)
- UI improvements!
- UI改进!
- Performance improvements!
- 性能改进!
- Tweaks to various mob action/behavior triggers, including fixing creeper explosions
- 调整各种生物的动作/行为的触发器,包括修复苦力怕之爆炸(这个与这个梗233)
- Elder guardian de-buff visuals fixed (feedback from Android beta)
- 修复远古守卫者的debuff(负面药水效果)视觉效果(来自Android beta的反馈)
- Fishing rods & arrows will fire in more than just one direction
- 钓鱼竿与箭可向不同的方向发射
- Lots of tweaks to water textures to make underwater more fun
- 对水的材质进行了各种修改来让水底更加有趣
- Tweaks to Realms settings
- 对 Realms 设置的调整
- Visual tweaks to sun, moon & stars when rendering in VR immersive mode
- 调整在沉浸式VR模式下,太阳,月亮和星星的渲染效果
- Ridiculous numbers of bug fixes!
- 修复了许多BUG——一个滑稽的数目
Enjoy 0.16, crafters. Dig deep and craft with all your might!
尽情地享受 0.16 吧,诸位工匠。发挥你的才能,创造史无前例的作品!