[综合|安全|管理]Coreprotect —— [持续更新][查询插件][1.3.2-1.15.2]
本帖最后由 happyvalley_lmx 于 2020-2-27 13:37 编辑CoreProtect插件现在已经随作者更新到1.15.2版本~
你可以使用以下三个基础指令代替/co : "/coreprotect", "/core", or "/co".
/co help - 显示命令列表
/co inspect - 查询方块模式开关
/co rollback <params> - 倒档
/co restore <params> - 回档
/co lookup <params> - 高级查询模式(查询命令啊,半径内方块啊这种)
/co purge <params> - 删除旧的数据
/co reload - 重载数据
/co version - 查看插件版本
/co near - 查找5半径内的方块
/co undo - 取消/restone的回档
| /co help
| /co inspect
开启最基本的查询模式。当然你也可以使用/co i 来进行操作
| /co rollback u:<玩家名称> t:<时间> r:<半径> a:<行动> b:<方块> e:<排除>
Nearly all of the parameters are optional. 快捷指令: "/co rb".
u:<玩家名称> - 让一个用户回档.
举个例子: u:Zuimc <img src="http://www.zuimc.com/static/image/smiley/mc/mobnotch.png" border="0" smilieid="546" alt="">
t:<时间> - 指定回档的时间
例子: t:2w(两周),5d(五天),7h(七小时),2m(两分钟),10s(十秒)
Example: t:5d2h(5天两小时)
当然你也可以用小数<img src="http://www.zuimc.com/static/image/smiley/mc/mobcreeper.png" border="0" smilieid="585" alt="">
Example: t:2.50h (两个半小时)
r:<选择范围> - 指定一个范围(半径).
你可以指定一个数字 (e.g. r:5), 一个世界(e.g. r:#world_the_end), 全世界 (r:#global), 或者使用WorldEdit插件来选择范围(r:#worldedit or r:#we)
说白了, 你如果要让半径10以内的回档就这样: r:10
a:<动作> - 查找某玩家的某动作
例如,如果你要回当某个方块的操作,就输入 a:+方块ID
a:block (方块放置与破坏)
a:+block (方块放置)
a:-block (方块破坏)
a:click (玩家的互动)
a:container (容器操作,像箱子那种)
a:+container (容器放入操作)
a:-container (容器拿出操作.)
a:kill (杀掉的动物/怪物)
a:chat (聊天消息)
a:command (使用的命令)
a:session (登陆离开状态)
a:+session (登录状态)
a:-session (离开状态)
a:username (更改用户名?????)
b:<方块ID> - 限制方块类型
例如,如果你要选择一个石头,那就这样输入ID即可(石头ID是1): b:1
你可以选择多个物品,例如: b:1,5,7
你可以在这里找到物品ID: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values
e:<排除类型> - 如果不想选择一个方块那就用这个(就是用在选择全世界除了某个方块)
如果想选择除了TNT以外的,那就直接使用: e:46
#<hashtag> - Add a hashtag to the end of your command to perform additional actions.
For example, to perform a rollback preview, you would use #preview
Here's a list of available hashtags:
#preview (Preview a rollback/restore)
#count (Return the number of rows found in a lookup query)
#verbose (Display additional information during a rollback/restore)
#silent (Display minimal information during a rollback/restore)
| /co restore u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>
Same parameters as /rollback. Shortcut: "/co rs".
Restoring can be used to undo rollbacks.
| /co lookup u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>
Same parameters as /rollback. Shortcut: "/co l".
Lookups can be used to search through block data.
| /co purge t:<time>
Purge old block data. Useful for freeing up space on your HDD if you don't need the older data.
For example, "/co purge t:30d" will delete all data older than one month, and only keep the last 30 days of data.
If used in-game, only data older than 30 days can be purged. If used from the console, only data older than 24 hours can be purged.
Example Rollback Commands:
>>By default, if no radius is specified, a radius of 10 will be applied, restricting the rollback to within 10 blocks of you. Use "r:#global" to do a global rollback.
Rollback Notch 1 hour (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h
PREVIEW rolling back Notch 1 hour (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h #preview
Rollback Notch 23 hours and 17 minutes (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:23h17m
Rollback ONLY stone placed/broken by Notch within the last hour (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h b:1
Rollback ONLY stone BROKEN by Notch within the last hour (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h b:1 a:-block
Rollback EVERYTHING Notch did in the last hour EXCEPT for stone he placed/broken:
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h r:#global e:1
Rollback griefing Notch did in the last hour that is within 20 blocks of you:
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h r:20
Rollback griefing Notch did in the last hour ONLY in the Nether:
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h r:#nether
Rollback everything done in the last 15 minutes by anyone within 30 blocks of you:
/co rollback t:15m r:30
Rollback everything done in the last 15 minutes in a WorldEdit selection:
/co rollback t:15m r:#worldedit
Example Lookup Commands:
>>Lookup commands are generally the same as rollback commands. The primary difference is that a default radius is not applied to lookups, meaning all lookup commands do a global search by default.
Lookup all diamond ore mined in the last hour:
/co lookup b:56 t:1h a:-block
Lookup all chat messages sent by Notch in the last 30 minutes:
/co lookup u:Notch t:30m a:chat
Lookup all logins ever done by Notch:
/co lookup u:Notch a:login
Lookup all logins ever done by Notch:
/co lookup u:Notch a:login
Lookup previous usernames used by the Notch:
/co lookup u:Notch a:username
**** Hidden Message *****
加油。。汉化是个大工程。等我把软件下好了我也汉化。。 一般的服务器都必备的插件而且可以防熊 这个插件的功能特别好,熊孩子毁图一个命令就可以搞定了 额 厉害
希望楼主完全汉化 这个插件可以查熊孩子插件的