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[版本] Minecraft 16w43a 快照发布

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  • TA的每日心情
    2018-4-14 05:18
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    发表于 2016-10-28 03:22:11 | 只看该作者 |0人打赏回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 Wolverine 于 2016-10-27 12:25 编辑

    Snapshot time! Bugs bugs and more bugs, all fixed!

    And this snapshot includes...

    Notable changes:

    • Fishing has recieved a major overhaul!
    • 钓鱼已经被严格的检查过了!(修复鱼线/鱼钩悬浮在空中的BUG,视角改变的时候甚至鱼线没有连着鱼竿)
    • Vexes can now follow you between dimensions and move in water
    • 猥傀可以随时跟着你并且在水中移动了(之前的BUG导致无法穿过下界传送门/末地门,无法在水中移动)
    • Broken tools will remain broken
    • 破碎的工具会继续破碎(之前工具附魔了耐久属性耐久耗尽以后会有概率重新出现)

    Bugs fixed in 16w43a:

    • [Bug MC-1040] - Tools with unbreaking enchantment break, disappear from slot then reappear
    • 附魔了耐久属性的工具损坏(爆耐久),在物品栏消失以后会重新出现
    • [Bug MC-2920] - Wrong Fishing Line Calculation
    • 错误的鱼线计算(悬浮在空中)
    • [Bug MC-6579] - Fishing line does not follow rod when Fov is changed
    • 视角改变的时候鱼线没有跟随鱼竿
    • [Bug MC-11877] - Fishing bobber floats a block above water
    • 钓鱼的时候浮标漂浮在距离水面一个方块的地方
    • [Bug MC-47508] - Ridden entities disappear on relogin
    • 重新登录的时候骑着实体会莫名消失
    • [Bug MC-55851] - Leads not rendering when spawned (attached to mob/fencepost) via command block/structure block
    • 使用命令方块/结构方块生成一个被拴住的实体的时候,拴绳拴住的效果没有被渲染
    • [Bug MC-79996] - Blocks like crops and rails are solid to Fishing Rods.
    • 像农作物、铁轨这样的方块会导致鱼竿的钩子悬浮在空中
    • [Bug MC-80500] - Snow layer placed against the side of another snow layer are placed one block too far out, only when there’s a block where snow would go normally
    • 可以理解为使用雪傀儡刷雪的时候,在高度上限制雪的生成,然后插火把在旁边,雪会在其他地方生成
    • [Bug MC-87988] - Fishing rod sometimes cannot reel in entities
    • 鱼竿有时候无法勾住实体
    • [Bug MC-93286] - fishing rod can’t pull mob
    • 鱼竿无法推动实体
    • [Bug MC-94169] - Fishing Rod Bobber collision error and into the block
    • 鱼竿浮标的碰撞箱计算错误,会被其他方块遮挡
    • [Bug MC-94502] - Pasting numbers in customized world generation text fields does not enable “Defaults” button
    • 复制数字到自定义世界生成的文本框内无法开启“默认”按钮(按钮是灰色)
    • [Bug MC-95450] - Some mobs have missing Loot Tables
    • 有些怪物会丢失 Loot Tables (储存掉落物品/概率/数量等信息)
    • [Bug MC-95944] - Fished items doesn’t reach player
    • 钓鱼钓的物品不会被钓到玩家附近(有时候会直接掉在水里)
    • [Bug MC-96205] - boat still does rowing animation while pressing a and d
    • 按下键盘的A和D的时候船依然会显示划船的动画
    • [Bug MC-98922] - Fishing hook / bobber cannot kill itself after 1200 ticks and bounces on land
    • 鱼钩/浮标不会在1200刻以后自动消失(20刻为1秒)
    • [Bug MC-98995] - Birch Forest M Biome Generation off
    • 不会生成高山桦木生态(Mojang代码里面写错了。注册了两次普通的桦木生态)
    • [Bug MC-99427] - Fishing bobber sticks to entity sometimes only visually
    • 鱼竿浮标击中实体的时候有时候只是视觉表象(显示击中了,实际没任何作用)
    • [Bug MC-100964] - Resseting demo mode dialog cannot be canceled by button
    • 重新设置Demo模式的对话框,会无法点击取消按钮
    • [Bug MC-103100] - Fishing Rods not always pulling in items
    • 鱼竿的鱼钩不是每次都可以推动物品
    • [Bug MC-103313] - Hitbox of baby mobs / slime / magma cube / llama are offset for some seconds
    • 幼年的实体/史莱姆/岩浆怪/羊驼的Hitbox会随着时间发生偏移
    • [Bug MC-104663] - Fishing particle glitch
    • 钓鱼的粒子效果没有被正确显示
    • [Bug MC-106082] - Attempting to pull ignited TNT with a Fishing Rod at long distances rarely works
    • 用鱼竿推动点燃的TNT的时候不是每次都成功(10%~20%的成功率)
    • [Bug MC-106892] - Dragon breath particles aren’t reduced on lower particle settings
    • 龙息的效果在设置里面设置为低粒子效果的时候没有减少渲染效果
    • [Bug MC-107149] - maxEntityCramming death message states “suffocated in a wall”
    • maxEntityCramming 的死亡信息是“suffocated in a wall”
    • [Bug MC-107515] - Vex cannot teleport through nether / end portal
    • 猥傀无法通过地狱传送门和末地传送门传送
    • [Bug MC-107818] - Mansion generates with a 4 section room missing
    • 林间大厦生成的时候有四个部分(房间)丢失(没有被生成)
    • [Bug MC-107844] - Vex has one accidental red dot on its left arm
    • 猥傀的左手在被激怒的时候会意外出现一个红点
    • [Bug MC-107846] - Evocation Fangs hurt illagers after reload
    • 重新加载存档后地刺可以伤害村民
    • [Bug MC-108095] - Llama caravans refuse to pathfind down hills and around obstacles.
    • 羊驼商队拒绝下山和躲避障碍物(羊驼会跟着第一只羊驼,但是BUG导致在高地和有障碍物的情况下,寻路算法失效)
    • [Bug MC-108238] - Teleporting away from leashed entity causes leash knot to be near 0 0 0 client side
    • 拴绳拴住实体的时候传送走再传送回来,拴绳的拴住点会渲染成0,0,0这个坐标附近
    • [Bug MC-108797] - Vex cannot move in water
    • 猥傀无法在水中移动
    • [Bug MC-108897] - Blocks given redstone power do not power nearby redstone until the wire is updated
    • 除非红石线更新,否则方块给予红石信号的时候不会对附近的红石充能

    Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!
    请汇报你在 Minecraft 所发现的任何漏洞,如果没有人汇报漏洞,我们无法进行修复!

    To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).
    获取快照,打开你的启动器然后按下 “New Profile” 按钮。修改为 “快照” 并找到这段话:”Enable experimental development snapshots” 然后保存。你可以在启动器的左下角 dropdown 里面选择切换回普通版本。备份你的存档,或者在另外一个文件夹里运行存档。(详细请见 “new profile” 对话框)

    Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.









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