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[版本] Minecraft 16w39c 快照发布

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  • TA的每日心情
    2018-4-14 05:18
  • 签到天数: 1283 天


    发表于 2016-10-1 03:34:09 | 只看该作者 |0人打赏回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 Wolverine 于 2016-9-30 12:37 编辑

    Update: Minecraft snapshot 16w39c has been released!
    更新:Minecraft 快照 16w39c 已发布!

    Bugs fixed in 16w39c:

    • [Bug MC-7809] - Aiming at the very bottom of a side of an upper slab/stair places slabs/stairs right-side up in multiplayer
    • [Bug MC-7809] - 多人游戏中指着上台阶或楼梯的侧面的底部放置台阶或半砖会右面朝上
    • [Bug MC-67665] - Mouse click position always lags a few frames behind the crosshair
    • [Bug MC-67665] - 鼠标点击的位置总是比准星位置慢几帧
    • [Bug MC-72962] - The Empty Map texture is one pixel lower than the Map/Paper texture
    • [Bug MC-72962] - 空白地图的纹理比地图或纸的纹理低一个像素
    • [Bug MC-82841] - Arrows are bright despite being in darkness
    • [Bug MC-82841] - 箭在黑暗中依然很亮
    • [Bug MC-90074] - Boat from dispenser is facing wrong direction (towards dispenser instead of the same way as dispenser)
    • [Bug MC-90074] - 发射器生成了船面向了错误的方向(朝向了发射器而不是和发射器方向相同)
    • [Bug MC-93651] - No placement sound when placing blocks on fence
    • [Bug MC-93651] - 在栅栏上放置方块时没有放置音效
    • [Bug MC-101372] - Item pickup sound plays twice when picking up an item
    • [Bug MC-101372] - 物品捡起时音效播放了两次
    • [Bug MC-106557] - Shulker cannot correctly spawn to the block(The side/below) by use spawn egg
    • [Bug MC-106557] - 使用刷怪蛋生成潜影贝不能正确地生成到方块(侧面或下面)
    • [Bug MC-107148] - Elytra not rendering texture correctly
    • [Bug MC-107148] - 鞘翅使用了错误的纹理进行渲染
    • [Bug MC-107291] - Potion entity is marked as invalid, when you throw potions and press button Q
    • [Bug MC-107291] - 当你扔出药水并按下Q键时药水实体会被标为无效
    • [Bug MC-107522] - Arrows floating, when the shulker box is opened and then closed
    • [Bug MC-107522] - 当潜影箱打开然后关闭时箭会悬浮
    • [Bug MC-107803] - Invalid Variant value for llama does not default to 0 causing invisible llama
    • [Bug MC-107803] - 羊驼带有无效的Variant值不会变为默认的0,这导致了羊驼隐形
    • [Bug MC-107817] - Inconsistency: Silver shulker box, not light gray
    • [Bug MC-107817] - 一致性:银色潜影箱,不是亮灰色
    • [Bug MC-107820] - Leftover-“test.png” from shulker boxes in 16w39b\assets\minecraft
    • [Bug MC-107820] - 来自潜影箱的“test.png”纹理遗留在了16w39b\assets\minecraft
    • [Bug MC-107823] - Trajectory of ranged items altered when shooting at Shulker Boxes
    • [Bug MC-107823] - 向潜影箱发射的物品的轨迹会发生改变
    • [Bug MC-107828] - stat.useItem.minecraft.totem doesn’t work
    • [Bug MC-107828] - stat.useItem.minecraft.totem不工作
    • [Bug MC-107830] - Observer side texture upside down
    • [Bug MC-107830] - 侦测器的侧面纹理上下颠倒
    • [Bug MC-107843] - Totem consumed all stack when used in offhand
    • [Bug MC-107843] - 在副手中使用图腾时会消耗整堆物品
    • [Bug MC-107877] - Dispenser placing a Shulker Box does not make the fail sound if the dispenser fails
    • [Bug MC-107877] - 当发射器放置潜影箱失败时不会发出失败音效

    Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!
    请汇报你在 Minecraft 所发现的任何漏洞,如果没有人汇报漏洞,我们无法进行修复!

    To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).
    获取快照,打开你的启动器然后按下 “New Profile” 按钮。修改为 “快照” 并找到这段话:”Enable experimental development snapshots” 然后保存。你可以在启动器的左下角 dropdown 里面选择切换回普通版本。备份你的存档,或者在另外一个文件夹里运行存档。(详细请见 “new profile” 对话框)

    Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.









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