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[转载插件] [娱乐]ChatGame——与玩家互动的语言游戏[1.8]

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-3 13:18
  • 签到天数: 37 天


    发表于 2016-7-31 15:09:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    中文名称: 语言游戏
    英文名称: ChatGame
    来源: 转载
    类型: |Bukkit/Spigot插件| 
    原帖地址: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/chatgame.21992/
    下载地址: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/chatgame.21992/download?version=104924
    更新时间: 2016-07-25
    语言支持: English 
    ChatGame >>>
    是一个 与玩家互动的小游戏 , 他会随机弄出一些英文单词 让玩家进行造词
    也就是比如 sthi 用这四个造一个完整的词 第一个获胜 比如造 this 就可以了
    比如出现 Hi,this is a sentence 照着输入一遍就胜利啦

    图片 >>>

    下载地址 >>>

    配置文件 >>>
    1. interval: 100
    2. rewards:
    3.   unscramble_type:
    4.   - '[command]/eco give <player> 100'
    5.   - '[message]/&2Congratulations, you earned 100$'
    6.   write:
    7.   - '[command]/eco give <player> 200'
    8.   - '[message]/&2Congratulations, you earned 200$'
    9.   click:
    10.   - '[command]/eco give <player> 200'
    11.   - '[message]/&2Congratulations, you earned 200$'
    12.   guess:
    13.   - '[command]/eco give <player> 200'
    14.   - '[message]/&2Congratulations, you earned 200$'
    15.   opposite:
    16.   - '[command]/eco give <player> 200'
    17.   - '[message]/&2Congratulations, you earned 200$'
    18. enabled:
    19.   unscramble: true
    20.   type: true
    21.   write: true
    22.   click: true
    23.   guess: true
    24.   opposite: true
    25. PlayersRequiredToStart: 1
    26. messages:
    27.   unscramble:
    28.     prefix: '&9Unscramble:'
    29.     message: '&3the first person to Unscramble &f<word> &3wins!'
    30.     win: '&2<player> unscrambled the word &f<word> &2in &f<time> &2seconds!'
    31.     notime: '&4No body got the word in time :('
    32.     whatwas: '&3the word was &f<word>'
    33.   type:
    34.     prefix: '&9Type:'
    35.     message: '&3the first person to Type &f<word> &2wins!'
    36.     win: '&2<player> Typed the word &f<word> &2in &f<time> &2seconds!'
    37.     notime: '&4No body Typed the word in time :('
    38.     whatwas: '&3the word was &f<word>'
    39.   write:
    40.     prefix: '&9Write:'
    41.     message: '&3the first person to Write the following sentence wins!'
    42.     sentence: '&b<sentence>'
    43.     win: '&2<player> Wrote the sentence &f<sentence> &2in &f<time> &2seconds!'
    44.     notime: '&4No body Wrote the sentence in time :('
    45.   click:
    46.     prefix: '&9Click:'
    47.     message: '&3the first person to Click on this sentence wins!'
    48.     win: '&2<player> Clicked on the sentence in &f<time> &2seconds!'
    49.     notime: '&4No body Clicked on the sentence in time :('
    50.   guess:
    51.     prefix: '&9Guess:'
    52.     message: '&3the first person to Guess The word wins!'
    53.     sentence: '&2<sentence>'
    54.     win: '&2<player> Guessed the word <word> in &f<time> &2seconds!'
    55.     notime: '&4No body Guessed the word in time :('
    56.     whatwas: '&3the word to guess was &f<word>'
    57.   opposite:
    58.     prefix: '&9Oppsite:'
    59.     message: '&3the first person to Guess the opposite of &f<word> &2wins!'
    60.     win: '&2<player> Guessed the opposite of the word &f<word> &2in &f<time> &2seconds!'
    61.     winwas: '&3The opposite was &f<opposite>'
    62.     notime: '&4No body Guessed the opposite of the word <word> in time :('
    63.     whatwa<span style="line-height: 1.5;">s: '&3the opposite of <word> was &f<opposite></span>
    分享到:  QQ好友和群QQ好友和群 QQ空间QQ空间 腾讯微博腾讯微博 腾讯朋友腾讯朋友
  • TA的每日心情
    2016-10-30 12:49
  • 签到天数: 19 天


    发表于 2016-7-31 16:05:33 | 只看该作者
    分享到:  QQ好友和群QQ好友和群 QQ空间QQ空间 腾讯微博腾讯微博 腾讯朋友腾讯朋友
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