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[Mod] 为什么林业装在服务器里会闪退

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-6-17 21:27
  • 签到天数: 7 天


    发表于 2016-7-5 07:40:32 | 只看该作者 |0人打赏回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    05.07 07:25:06 [面板] 服务器启动中!05.07 07:25:06 [面板] 加载配置文件 "【插件模组】【极佳】1.7.10-KCauldron"05.07 07:25:06 [面板] 更新协议(eula.txt)文件05.07 07:25:09 [服务器] 信息 2016-07-05 07:25:09,365 警告 正在进行启动前准备05.07 07:25:09 [服务器] 信息 2016-07-05 07:25:09,366 警告 正在进行启动前准备05.07 07:25:13 [服务器] 信息 2016-07-05 07:25:13,742 警告 正在进行启动前准备05.07 07:25:15 [服务器] 信息 2016-07-05 07:25:15,799 警告 正在进行启动前准备05.07 07:25:15 [服务器] 信息 2016-07-05 07:25:15,801 警告 正在进行启动前准备05.07 07:25:25 [服务器] 信息 已加载的Forge版本 for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading05.07 07:25:25 [服务器] 信息 [pw.prok.imagine.ImagineLoadingPlugin:<clinit>:26]: 载入 插件 initialized!05.07 07:25:25 [服务器] 信息 载入 tweaker forestry.shade.javacheck.Java7Checker from forestry_1.7.10- fix.jar05.07 07:25:25 [服务器] 警告 The following coremods do not have a @MC版本 annotation. They may cause problems if this is not the correct 版本 of Minecraft for them.05.07 07:25:25 [服务器] 警告 Missing @MC版本: me.guichaguri.betterfps.BetterFps  codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin  cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin  ic2.core.coremod.IC2core  codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin  05.07 07:25:28 [服务器] 信息 Attempting to reparse the mod container 拆解台.jar05.07 07:25:29 [服务器] 信息 Forge Mod Loader has identified 40 mods to load05.07 07:25:29 [服务器] 信息 发现 mod(s) [adventurebackpack] containing declared API package baubles.api (owned by Baubles) without associated API reference05.07 07:25:29 [服务器] 信息 FML has found a non-mod file [1.7.10]Ex-BetterFps-1.0.0.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.05.07 07:25:29 [服务器] 信息 FML has found a non-mod file SuperEnchants-0.4.1.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.05.07 07:25:29 [服务器] 信息 FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.05.07 07:25:29 [服务器] 信息 尝试以这些已经丢失的模组连接 [mcp, FML, Forge, kimagine, betterfps, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, se, <CoFH ASM>, enviromine, AdvancedSolarPanel, adventurebackpack, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Compat, CoFHCore, craft++, craftguide, craftSaddle, enchantview, Forestry, IC2, progressiveautomation, SolarFlux, thebombzenapi, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, Thermal发现ation, Railcraft, deconstruction, BiomesOPlenty, eplus, RWG, bspkrsCore, Baubles] 于客户端05.07 07:25:29 [服务器] 信息 尝试以这些已经丢失的模组连接 [mcp, FML, Forge, kimagine, betterfps, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, se, <CoFH ASM>, enviromine, AdvancedSolarPanel, adventurebackpack, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Compat, CoFHCore, craft++, craftguide, craftSaddle, enchantview, Forestry, IC2, progressiveautomation, SolarFlux, thebombzenapi, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, Thermal发现ation, Railcraft, deconstruction, BiomesOPlenty, eplus, RWG, bspkrsCore, Baubles] at SERVER05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 警告 =============================================================05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 警告 MOD HAS DIRECT REFERENCE System.exit() THIS IS NOT ALLOWED REROUTING TO FML!05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 警告 Offendor: thebombzen/mods/thebombzenapi/server/ServerSideSpecificUtilities.crash(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 警告 Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 警告 =============================================================05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 错误 Detected an attempt by a mod FMLMod:enchantview{4.0.4} to perform game activity during mod construction. This is a serious programming error.05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 开始 automation05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 Processing ObjectHolder annotations05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 发现 337 ObjectHolder annotations05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 Identifying ItemStackHolder annotations05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 发现 0 ItemStackHolder annotations05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 005.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 载入 configs...05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 载入 Default Config: config\enviromine\CustomProperties\Defaults.cfg05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 载入 Config File: config\enviromine\CustomProperties\Defaults.cfg05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 载入 Config File: config\enviromine\CustomProperties\EnviroArmor.cfg05.07 07:25:31 [服务器] 信息 载入 Config File: config\enviromine\CustomProperties\ItemAdvancedSolarHelmet.cfg05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Ready to transform: agi05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Bytecode Verified @ [7]05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Changing enchantment level capacities...05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Finished patching successfully!05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Ready to transform: agh05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Bytecode Verified @ [6]05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Ready to transform: agl05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Bytecode Verified @ [4]05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Ready to transform: agj05.07 07:25:33 [服务器] 信息 Bytecode Verified @ [6]05.07 07:25:34 [服务器] 信息 Registering Default Templates.05.07 07:25:34 [服务器] 信息 Registering default generators05.07 07:25:34 [服务器] 信息 Complete05.07 07:25:34 [服务器] 信息 开始 BuildCraft 7.1.1605.07 07:25:34 [服务器] 信息 Copyright (c) the BuildCraft team, 2011-201505.07 07:25:34 [服务器] 信息 Beginning 版本 check05.07 07:25:35 [服务器] 警告 Using outdated 版本 [7.1.16] for Minecraft 1.7.10. Consider updating to 07:25:35 [服务器] 信息 An updated 版本 of CoFH Core is available: CoFH Core 3.1.2 for Minecraft 07:25:35 [服务器] 信息 Extending Potions Array.05.07 07:25:36 [服务器] 信息 Module BuildCraft 6 Recipes Plugin failed to load: Compatible BuildCraftAPI|recipes 版本 not found05.07 07:25:36 [服务器] 信息 Module AgriCraft Plugin failed to load: AgriCraft not found05.07 07:25:36 [服务器] 信息 Module Chisel Plugin failed to load: Chisel not found05.07 07:25:36 [服务器] 信息 Module EnderIO Plugin failed to load: EnderIO not found05.07 07:25:36 [服务器] 信息 Module Erebus Plugin failed to load: Erebus not found05.07 07:25:36 [服务器] 信息 Module ExtraUtilities Plugin failed to load: ExtraUtilities not found05.07 07:25:36 [服务器] 信息 Module Growthcraft Plugin failed to load: GrowthCraft not found05.07 07:25:36 [服务器] 信息 Module HarvestCraft Plugin failed to load: HarvestCraft not found05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 IC2 API: Call getItem failed for compressedPlantBall05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 IC2 API: Call getItem failed for matter05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 载入 Plugins...05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 should work05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 Finished 载入 Plugins.05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 载入 Plugins...05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 Finished 载入 Plugins.05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 Initializing the config handler05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 An updated 版本 of Thermal 发现ation is available: Thermal 发现ation 1.2.3 for Minecraft 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 Adding the items05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 Registering the entities05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 Registering the renderers05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 Pre-initialization completed successfully05.07 07:25:37 [服务器] 信息 An updated 版本 of Thermal Expansion is available: Thermal Expansion 4.1.2 for Minecraft 07:25:38 [服务器] 信息 Pre Initialization05.07 07:25:38 [服务器] 信息 Initialization of configuration05.07 07:25:39 [服务器] 信息 Module disabled: ModuleThaumcraft, Thaumcraft not detected05.07 07:25:39 [服务器] 警告 Pre-existing steam fluid block detected, deferring to Thermal发现ation:FluidSteam, this may cause issues if the server/client have different mod load orders, recommended that you disable all but one instance of steam fluid blocks via your configs.05.07 07:25:39 [服务器] 信息 Adding Coke Oven recipe: net.minecraft.item.ItemCoal, 1xitem.coal@0, 005.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreSulfur, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@0 meta=005.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreSaltpeter, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@1 meta=105.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreDiamond, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@2 meta=205.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreEmerald, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@3 meta=305.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreLapis, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@4 meta=405.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreFirestone, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@5 meta=505.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orePoorCopper, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@9 meta=905.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orePoorGold, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@8 meta=805.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orePoorIron, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@7 meta=705.07 07:25:40 [服务器] 信息 此服务器正在运行 KCauldron 版本 1.7.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT (MC: 1.7.10) (Implementing API 版本 1.7.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)05.07 07:25:41 [服务器] 信息 Server Ping Player Sample Count: 1205.07 07:25:41 [服务器] 信息 Using 24 threads for Netty based IO05.07 07:25:41 [服务器] 信息 Generating keypair05.07 07:25:41 [服务器] 信息 开始 Minecraft server on 07:25:41 [服务器] 警告 **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!05.07 07:25:41 [服务器] 警告 The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.05.07 07:25:41 [服务器] 警告 While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.05.07 07:25:41 [服务器] 警告 To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file.05.07 07:25:41 [服务器] 信息 Successfully loaded 267 out of 267 recipes for shaped recipes05.07 07:25:41 [服务器] 信息 Successfully loaded 76 out of 76 recipes for shapeless recipes05.07 07:25:42 [服务器] 信息 Successfully loaded 5 out of 5 recipes for blast furnace recipes05.07 07:25:42 [服务器] 信息 Successfully loaded 17 out of 17 recipes for block cutter recipes05.07 07:25:42 [服务器] 信息 Successfully loaded 48 out of 48 recipes for compressor recipes05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 载入 compat module Railcraft05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 载入 compat module ThermalExpansion05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 载入 compat module Forestry05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 Registering the enchantments05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 Registering the event handler05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 Registering the crafting recipes05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 Registering the dispenser behaviors05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 Initializing the recipe remover05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 Initializing the vanilla properties changer05.07 07:25:43 [服务器] 信息 Initialization completed successfully05.07 07:25:44 [服务器] 信息 发现 110 mod armors05.07 07:25:44 [服务器] 信息 加载 110 armor properties05.07 07:25:44 [服务器] 信息 加载 0 block properties05.07 07:25:44 [服务器] 信息 加载 2 entity properties05.07 07:25:44 [服务器] 信息 加载 17 item properties05.07 07:25:44 [服务器] 信息 载入 predefined UU world scan values, run /ic2 uu-world-scan <small|medium|large> to calibrate them for your world.05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 IC2 版本 2.2.814-experimental loaded.05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 * * * * * * Start parsing MT recipes * * * * * * 05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Ignoring line 27, failed to parse input.05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Ignoring line 28, failed to parse input.05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Post-initialization completed successfully05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Railcraft registered "bioethanol" as a valid Boiler fuel source with 16000 heat.05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Railcraft registered "fuel" as a valid Boiler fuel source with 48000 heat.05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Railcraft registered "coal" as a valid Boiler fuel source with 32000 heat.05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Railcraft registered "pyrotheum" as a valid Boiler fuel source with 64000 heat.05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Railcraft registered "creosote" as a valid Boiler fuel source with 4800 heat.05.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Adding Coke Oven recipe: net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture, 1xtile.log@32767, 32,76705.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Adding Coke Oven recipe: net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture, 1xtile.log@32767, 32,76705.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Adding Coke Oven recipe: biomesoplenty.common.itemblocks.ItemBlockLog, 1xtile.logs1@0, 005.07 07:25:45 [服务器] 信息 Adding Coke Oven recipe: biomesoplenty.common.itemblocks.ItemBlockLog, 1xtile.logs2@0, 005.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:46 [服务器] 警告 Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ThaumcraftCraftingManager method getObjectTags05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_HONEYPOT with ID 5176.05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_BEVERAGE with ID 5177.05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_CRATEDMYCELIUM with ID 5178.05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_CRATEDJUNGLEWOOD with ID 5179.05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_BUCKETHONEY with ID 5180.05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_KITSHOVEL with ID 5181.05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_BUCKETJUICE with ID 5182.05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_CRATEDREEDS with ID 5183.05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_RESEARCHNOTE with ID 5184.05.07 07:25:47 [服务器] 信息 Injected new Forge item material FORESTRY_CRATEDAPATITE with ID 5185.05.07 07:25:50 [服务器] 信息 Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[1]05.07 07:25:50 [服务器] 错误 Error registering MBean[Ebean:server=DispNameChanger2]05.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 DispNameChanger v6.0.005.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 WorldEdit v6.1;no_git_id05.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 Advanced_Item_Effects v1.4.105.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 Essentials vPre2.14.1.305.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 EssentialsProtect vPre2.14.1.305.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 EssentialsChat vPre2.14.1.305.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 GroupManager v2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix)05.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 BanItem v2.3.205.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 EssentialsAntiBuild vPre2.14.1.305.07 07:25:52 [服务器] 信息 载入 ChopTreeW v1.605.07 07:25:53 [服务器] 信息 [Permission] GroupManager found: Waiting05.07 07:25:53 [服务器] 信息 [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.05.07 07:25:53 [服务器] 信息 [Chat] GroupManager found: Waiting05.07 07:25:53 [服务器] 信息 [Vault][Chat] iChat hooked.05.07 07:25:53 [服务器] 信息 [Chat] iChat found: Waiting05.07 07:25:53 [服务器] 信息 启用 版本 1.4.1-b43605.07 07:25:53 [服务器] 信息 启用中 LWC v4.5.0-SNAPSHOT05.07 07:25:54 [服务器] 信息 连接ing to SQLite05.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 启用中 PlotSquared v3.3.005.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 $1PlotSquared is now enabled05.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 $3[$1P2$3] $2&6Debug Mode 启用 (Default). Edit the config to turn this off.05.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 - Adding flag: greeting05.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 - Adding flag: farewell05.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 - Adding flag: feed05.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 - Adding flag: heal05.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 - Adding flag: notify-enter05.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 - Adding flag: notify-leave05.07 07:25:55 [服务器] 信息 - Adding flag: item-drop05.07 07:25:56 [服务器] 信息 Error while connecting to remote 版本 file; trying again05.07 07:25:58 [服务器] 信息 Metrics enabled.05.07 07:25:58 [服务器] 信息 Metrics enabled.05.07 07:25:58 [服务器] 信息 PlotSquared is using online UUIDs05.07 07:25:59 [服务器] 信息 BukkitPlotGenerator does not fully support: null05.07 07:26:00 [服务器] 信息 准备启动区域 005.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 启用中 DispNameChanger v6.0.005.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 English Translation Selected.05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 Spout not detected! Spout integration disabled by default.05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 TagAPI not detected! TagAPI Integration disabled by default.05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 0 commands were loaded for filtering: {}05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 版本 6.0.0 by [captainawesome7, itsatacoshop247, Daxiongmao87, Luke Zwekii, Sammy, SniperFodder, bearbear12345, morganm] has been enabled.05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 启用中 WorldEdit v6.1;no_git_id05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 **********************************************05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 ** This WorldEdit 版本 does not fully support your 版本 of Bukkit.05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 **05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 ** When working with blocks or undoing, chests will be empty, signs05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 ** will be blank, and so on. There will be no support for entity05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 ** and biome-related functions.05.07 07:26:01 [服务器] 信息 **05.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.05.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 Essentials: Using config file enhanced 权限.05.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 Permissions listed in as 玩家-commands will be given to all users.05.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 启用中 EssentialsProtect vPre2.14.1.305.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 启用中 EssentialsChat vPre2.14.1.305.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 启用中 GroupManager v2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix)05.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 GroupManager - FINE - Adding users mirror for world_nether.05.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 GroupManager - FINE - Adding groups mirror for world_nether.05.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 GroupManager - FINE - Adding users mirror for world_the_end.05.07 07:26:02 [服务器] 信息 GroupManager - FINE - Adding groups mirror for world_the_end.05.07 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 启用中 dynmap v1.9.4-99105.07 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 Dynmap is disabled (unsupported platform)05.07 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 启用中 iChat v2.6.305.07 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 发现 GroupManager v2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix)05.07 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 iChat (v2.6.3) enabled05.07 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 [Vault][Chat] iChat hooked.05.07 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 启用中 Residence v4. 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 - 启用中 multiworld 插件: Multiverse-Core05.07 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 启用中 Multiverse-Core v2.5-b67805.07 07:26:03 [服务器] 信息 [AllPay] - 版本 13.0 - hooked into Essentials Economy for Multiverse-Core v2.5-b67805.07 07:26:04 [服务器] 信息 加载区域 2 (yuanban) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@63bd2e6c)05.07 07:26:04 [服务器] 信息 BukkitPlotGenerator does not fully support: null05.07 07:26:04 [服务器] 信息 准备启动区域 3 (Dimension: 2, Seed: 8511151130065620216)05.07 07:26:04 [服务器] 信息 4 - World(s) loaded.05.07 07:26:05 [服务器] 信息 版本 2.5-b678 (API v18) 启用 - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--05.07 07:26:05 [服务器] 信息 发现 Vault using 权限 插件:GroupManager05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 寻找 economy systems...05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 发现 Vault using economy system: Essentials Economy05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 版本 check stopping after @ATTEMPTS@ unsuccessful connection attempts05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 载入 save data for world world...05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 加载 world data. (19 ms)05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 载入 save data for world DIM1...05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 加载 DIM1 data. (1 ms)05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 载入 save data for world DIM-1...05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 加载 DIM-1 data. (1 ms)05.07 07:26:06 [服务器] 信息 载入 save data for world yuanban...05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 挂载 Vault05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 Limit cfg found...05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 Limits.use: false05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 {quickshop=0, quickshop.vip=20}05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 载入 shops from database...05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 加载 0 shops.05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 Cleaning purchase messages from database that are over a week old...05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 Registering Listeners05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 Metrics started.05.07 07:26:07 [服务器] 信息 QuickShop loaded!05.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 启动完毕 (22.357s)! 需要帮助请输入 "help" or "?"05.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 信息 注册了命令 forge with permission node net.minecraftforge.server.command.ForgeCommand05.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 信息 注册了命令 ic2 with permission node ic2.core.command.CommandIc205.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 信息 注册了命令 tps with permission node ic2.core.command.CommandTps05.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 信息 注册了命令 cofh with permission node cofh.core.command.CommandHandler05.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 信息 注册了命令 buildcraft with permission node buildcraft.core.lib.commands.RootCommand05.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 警告 ############################################05.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 警告 #                                          #05.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 警告 #  Cauldron has been detected! Please keep #05.07 07:26:08 [服务器] 警告 #  in mind that BuildCraft may NOT provide #05.07 07:26:09 [服务器] 信息 *********************** Residence **************************05.07 07:26:09 [服务器] 信息 * is now available! Your 版本: 07:26:09 [服务器] 信息 * https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/residence.11480/05.07 07:26:09 [服务器] 信息 ************************************************************05.07 07:26:09 [服务器] 信息 Checking for Updates:05.07 07:26:09 [服务器] 警告 Stable 版本: 1.5.6 is out! You are still 运行 版本: 07:26:10 [服务器] 警告 检测版本时发生了错误05.07 07:26:18 [服务器] 信息 开始 UUID caching05.07 07:26:18 [服务器] 信息 开始 玩家 data caching for: world05.07 07:26:18 [服务器] 信息 Fast mode UUID caching enabled!05.07 07:26:18 [服务器] 信息 Cached a total of: 1 UUIDs05.07 07:27:09 [服务器] 信息 控制台 发出服务器命令: /list 05.07 07:27:10 [服务器] 信息 当前有 0 个玩家在线,最大在线人数为 40 个玩家.05.07 07:27:36 [面板] 服务器关闭(运行中)05.07 07:27:36 [面板] 60秒内将会重启崩溃的服务器05.07 07:27:36 [面板] 正在停止服务器!05.07 07:27:36 [面板] 服务器关闭(停止中)05.07 07:27:36 [面板] 服务器关闭(停止中)05.07 07:27:36 [面板] 服务器关闭(停止中)05.07 07:27:36 [面板] 好像崩溃了呢,检查下服务器控制台吧.返回值: 105.07 07:27:36 [面板] 服务器已停止









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