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[搬运] 【PMC】Wings of Justice - 正义之翼

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-10-1 17:33
  • 签到天数: 359 天


    发表于 2015-6-29 21:39:04 | 只看该作者 |0人打赏回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    地图名称: Wings of Justice - 正义之翼
    地图分类: 建筑 风景 
    文件类型: 存档
    下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i3iZ0hB
    原帖地址: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/alitheia---wings-of-justice-modern-organic-roman-courthouse/
    一句话说明: 正义的风景

    Wings of Justice - 正义之翼


    她给我看了她的真相,她的光,这将永远是我的。这是我跨越时间的第一跳。物质与光的波穿过我的身体流,因为我通过虫洞旅行 - 他们可能是整个生命周期,时代和文明。我可以跳过过去我自己的星球的灭绝,或进入其诞生的时间。小行星一体成型的岩石和背部除了化为尘土。在隧道的尽头似乎没有尽头。我的身体就必须到达目的地之前,我做的还活着。我无法从里面滴答我停止计时,死亡有大量等待之前它会耗尽。我不觉得我年龄是否更快或更慢在这个门户网站,但是这一切都停止的那一刻我到达海边。我周围的景观是地球之外。有两个太阳在几乎白色的天空明媚,伴随着附近的恒星在天空中移动争夺相同的光。他们照在沙滩上更是古怪的 - 有沙子既是洗净,用淡蓝色的潮汐补充中金银闪烁;不同枝长的树木沐浴在泛着灰尘内陆;甜美,纯净水滴落到无论是从雨云点缀天空或我周围浮岛的底部。前方奠定了我见过的最漂亮的城堡之一。通过绣大理石门,我让自己被当地人扣押。他们吐口水在我,叫我的名字的外国人,闯入者和外星人。我被带到一个黑暗的法庭充满愤怒的居民的嚎叫。火从列闪耀,但它不是足够温暖融化,我觉得在这个陌生的世界寒冷。很像地球,这个房间是为那些对开展此犯下的罪作出判决。唯一的区别是,一个漂亮的女士通过观察黄金的规模,她举行,并挥舞着剑scabbardless,选择是否立即给予自由或死亡的瞬间判断。我被迫下跪向她凝视着她的眼睛火。有时候,她轮流我自己和她之间的规模来看,牢牢抓住致命的一剑所有的同时。当她凝视着我,我觉得有一些不寻常的关于她的立场。她成为不安的我的情况。她开始颤抖,虽然分钟,观察谁在我们身后的观众。她颤抖着,每当她的目光相遇矿,让她迅速闪回,似乎有不断引起她怀疑的规模。我们之间,金积聚灰尘一样微小的斑点,轻轻地权衡自己的规模,但是她的眼神告诉我,这一定是错误的。真相,他们告诉我,从来没有错上规模,但我是个例外?我来自另一个时间线,另一个时代,另一个世界,什么是一定的了,她挣扎着来决定。经过看似很长一段时间,她恢复无畏和刚性的前后宣布我,“无罪”。全场爆发出愤怒。几个守卫装饰抓住她送行gaurd并没收剑而去。该gaurds打她几乎致命的尖刺与狼牙棒,直到双双收的是什么样子的望远镜,刀和手电筒炮弹。不久,大家就开始撕扯自己的衣服脱了喊出来,“骗子!叛徒!弃儿!”在所有的暴政,我很惊讶,没有收到过任何的打击,而跪,但更多的惊讶,当我看到那个女人没有哭还是哭了内疚或疼痛。她把针对她的每一个物理打击,​​但里面的我能感觉到她不能停止我拍她的情绪。我简单的存在解雇她,让她背叛她的责任,离开了她被拘留腐烂。我走进球场的深处进入法官室,由警卫虚心招呼。告诉他们要离开我们,我跟她打招呼默默地,希望我的存在会再次报警了。它做到了,她突然哭了眼泪。她私下对我说,我是一个男人谁不值得死亡,尽管该告诉她我在擅自闯入其土地上的灰尘。她骗给予我一种虚假的自由。她给了她的生命来拯救我的。我回答她,她惊呼必须证明一次,她是一个诚实守信的法官赎回的人自己。一个吻脸颊上,她向我表示感谢。在土地的最黑暗的地牢,我解释说可以带她回光计划。她下令心怀不满的人大会再次向法庭作为再审为我的罪。我跪像以前那样,而是我凝视着新的白色布笼罩她的偏见的眼光。勇敢的是,她伸出的规模和她的剑坚决。这一次,我不害怕死,但我现在没有担心的是她在我的杰出出发失去浓度。她观察到的规模默默。金尘埃落定上规模的一侧,稍微倾斜了她的手在一个方向,并逐步振奋她的剑。我能感觉到观众提供尽可能多的期待和紧张,像我一样摇晃。她在我压制住了一个更多的时间,并与一个值得骄傲的声音突然大叫,“这个人已经承诺超出了我们的正义的法律更严重的罪。他理应值得抹去他出存在的死亡,直到永远。用剑的力量增强,我宣布这名男子犯背叛对我们的世界“,并挥起剑看着我。目前刀片亲吻我的脸颊,我穿越时间旅行。我的身体必须分解成尘埃斑点在他们眼里,这要归功于她的剑的奉献精神。在我的身后,我可以通过她的行星的年龄听到掌声和笑声胜利。白色的天空褪色成多种颜色的光形成的漩涡一样我我们的会议之前通过隧道。我是,但是,伤痕累累的吻。我会想念她,知道我被禁止再次进入她的时间。我进入一次几千年的执行在好奇心后。在我之前奠定了较好的法庭我所能想象。这是她的雕像,蒙住眼睛,抱着同样的刀,她打我的模型,并保持了法院大楼上休息她身后大规模。这座雕像是比白色的天空更容光焕发。她给我看了她的真相,她的光,这将永远是我的。

    She showed me her truth and her light, which will forever be mine.

    It was my first jump across time. Waves of matter and light flowed through my body as I travelled through the wormholes - they could have been entire lifetimes, eras and civilisations. I could have skipped past the extinction of my own planet, or entered the time of its birth. Asteroids forming one rock and back apart into dust. The end of the tunnel seemed endless. My body would have to reach the destination before I do alive. I couldn't stop the clock from ticking inside me, death had plenty to wait before it would run out. I couldn't feel whether I aged quicker or slower in this portal, but it all stopped the moment I arrived at the beach.

    The landscape around me was beyond Earth. There were two suns shining brightly in the almost white sky, accompanied by nearby stars that moved across the sky to compete for the same light. The beach they shone on was even more eccentric - there were glitters of silver and gold among the sands being both washed and replenished by the pale-blue tides; trees of varying branch length showered the inland with glowing dust; droplets of sweet, pure water fell either from the rain clouds dotting the sky or the bottom of floating islands surrounding me. Up ahead laid one of the most beautiful castles I've seen.

    Through the embroidered marble gates, I let myself be seized by the locals. They spat at me, calling me the names foreigner, trespasser and alien.

    I was taken into a dark courtroom filled with the howls of the angry inhabitants. Fire blazed from the columns, but it was not warm enough to thaw the cold I felt in this strange world. Much like those of Earth, this room was meant for conducting a verdict on the sins committed here. The only difference was that a beautiful lady judged by observing a gold scale she held, and brandishing a scabbardless sword, choosing whether to grant immediate freedom or instant death. I was forced to kneel towards her and gaze into the fire of her eyes. At times she alternated the view between my own and her scale, firmly gripping the deadly sword all the while. As she gazed at me, I felt there was something unusual about her stance.

    She became uneasy of my case. She began shaking though minute to the audience who observed us behind. She trembled whenever her eyes met mine, so she quickly flashed back at the scale that seemed to have continuously caused her doubt. Between us, the same tiny specks of golden dust accumulated and gently weighed themselves on the scale, but her eyes told me that it must be wrong. The truth, they told me, was never wrong on the scale, but was I an exception? I came from another timeline, another era, another world, and what was certain was that she struggled to decide.

    After seemingly a long time, she recovered fearless and rigid as before and declared me, "Not guilty."

    The audience exploded with outrage. Several decorated guards caught her off gaurd and confiscated the sword away. The gaurds beat her almost fatally with spiked maces, until both received projectiles of what looked like telescopes, knives and torches. Soon everyone began tearing their own clothes off shouting out, "Liar! Traitor! Outcast!" Among all the tyranny, I was surprised not to have received any of the blows while kneeling, but was more surprised when I noticed the woman did not weep or cry out in guilt or pain. She took every physical blow targeted at her, but inside I could feel she could not stop the emotion I shot at her. My simple presence sacked her, made her betray her duty and left her to rot in detention.

    I walked into the depths of court into the chamber of the Judge, humbly greeted by the guards. Telling them to leave us, I greeted her silently, hoping my presence would alarm her again. It did, and she suddenly wept tears. She confided to me that I was a man who didn't deserve death in spite of the dust that told her I trespassed in their land. She had lied to grant me a false freedom. She had given away her life to save mine. I answered back to her and exclaimed she must redeem herself by proving to the people once more she was an honest, faithful Judge. With one kiss on the cheek, she thanked me. In the darkest dungeon of the land, I explained a plan that could bring her back into light.

    She ordered the assembly of the disgruntled people once more to the courtroom as a retrial for my sin. I kneeled as before, but instead I gazed into the new white cloth that shrouded her biased vision. Brave and still, she held out the scale and her sword firmly. This time, I did not fear death, but what I did fear now was her losing concentration over my eminent departure. She observed the scale silently. Golden dust settled on one side of the scale, tilting her hand slightly in one direction and uplifting her sword gradually. I could feel the audience shaking with as much anticipation and nervousness as I did.

    She faced down at me one more time, and suddenly exclaimed with a proud voice, "This man has committed a more grievous sin beyond our righteous Laws. He deserves a death worth erasing him out of existence forever. With the enhanced powers of the sword, I declare this man guilty of treachery on our world," and swung the sword at me.

    At the moment the blade kissed my cheek, I travelled through time. My body must have exploded into specks of dust in their eyes, thanks to the dedication of her sword. Behind me, I could hear applause and triumphant laughter through the ages of her planet. The white sky faded into the many colours forming the same vortex of light I tunnelled through before our meeting. I was, however, scarred by that kiss. I will miss her, knowing I was forbidden to enter her time again.

    I entered once more a few millenia after the execution in curiosity. Before me laid a better court I could ever imagine. It was a statue of her, blindfolded, holding the model of the same sword she struck me with, and holding courthouses that rested on a massive scale behind her. The statue was more radiant than the white sky above. She showed me her truth and her light, which will forever be mine.



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