/battlepets name {new_pet_name}
/battlepets menu
/battlepets cancel
/battlepets shop
/battlepets reload
/battlepets egg {playername} {type} {optional_name}
例如: /battlepets egg playername Baby-ZOMBIE Hungry hunger
/battlepets set {skill} {quantity}
例如: /battlepets set level 10
/battlepets set dexterity 99
prefix: '&c[&6BattlePets&c]&r '
commands: '&6Commands:'
cmd_name: '&6/battlepets name {name} - changes your pet''s name'
cmd_egg: '&6/battlepets egg {type} - gives you pet with specified type'
NoPetAlive: '&4 You don''t have alive pet!'
pet_renamed: '&aPet renamed successfully!'
renamed_warn: '&aPet name will change after respawning him'
cmd_name_usage: '&aUsage: /battlepets name SuperMightyBoomingZombie'
cmd_egg_usage: '&aUsage /battlepets egg Baby-ZOMBIE'
type_unavailable: '&4This type of pet is unavailable!'
cmd_egg_added: '&aEgg added to your inventory'
petmenu_failed: '&4This is not your pet!'
pet_died: '&8Your pet has just died. Adding to inventory.'
pet_levelup: '&6Your pet has just leveled up!'
pet_notcatchable: '&4This type of pet is unavailable!'
skills_saved: '&aSkills successfully saved!'
pet_noperm_catch: '&4You don''t have permissions to catch this mob!'
pet_failed_catch: '&4You failed to catch this mob!'
pet_escaped_catch: '&4Mob has escaped!'
pet_success_catch: '&6Mob has been catched successfully!'
shop_money_failed: '&4You don''t have enough money to buy this item!'
pet_revived: '&aPet successfully revived!'
pet_healed: '&aPet successfully healed!'
pet_xpbought: '&aXP successfully bought!'
pet_spbought: '&aSkillpoints successfully bought!'
egg_bought: '&aEgg successfully bought!'
pet_notspawnable: '&4This type of pet is unavailable!'
pet_noperm_spawn: '&4You don''t have permissions to spawn this mob!'
pet_name_toolong: '&4Pet name is too long! Max allowed size: 15 chars.'
cmd_horse_usage1: '&4Invalid horse. Usage: /battlepets egg {color}-{style}-{variant}-HORSE'
cmd_horse_usage2: '&6Colors: BLACK, BROWN, CHESTNUT, CREAMY, DARK_BROWN, GRAY, WHITE.'
cmd_horse_usage3: '&6Styles: BLACK_DOTS, NONE, WHITE, WHITE_DOTS, WHITEFIELD.'
cmd_horse_usage4: '&6Variants: DONKEY, HORSE, MULE, SKELETON_HORSE, UNDEAD_HORSE.'
cmd_rabbit_usage1: '&4Invalid rabbit. Usage: /battlepets egg {type}-RABBIT'
cmd_rabbit_usage2: '&6Types: BLACK, BLACK_AND_WHITE, BROWN, GOLD, SALT_AND_PEPPER,
cmd_sheep_usage1: '&4Invalid sheep. Usage: /battlepets egg {color}-SHEEP'
cmd_sheep_usage2: '&6Colors: BLACK, BLUE, BROWN, CYAN, GRAY, GREEN, LIGHT_BLUE, LIME,
cmd_villager_usage1: '&4Invalid villager. Usage: /battlepets egg {profession}-VILLAGER'
cmd_villager_usage2: '&6Professions: BLACKSMITH, BUTCHER, FARMER, LIBRARIAN, PRIEST.'
pet: Pet!
type: '&1Type'
level: '&6Level'
xp: '&bXP'
hp: '&cHP'
skillpoints: '&6Skillpoints'
vitality: Vitality
defense: Defense
strength: Strength
dexterity: Dexterity
menu_skillpoints: '&6Pet skillpoints'
menu_points: '&6Points'
menu_vit: '&cVitality:'
menu_str: '&4Strength:'
menu_def: '&1Defense:'
menu_dex: '&aDexterity:'
menu_managepoints: '&aClick to manage skillpoints!'
menu_skillpoint: '&6Skillpoints:'
menu_available: '&6Available points'
menu_return: '&7Return'
return_lore: '&8Discard changes and go to main menu.'
add_points: '&7Left click to add points to this skill,'
remove_points: '&7right click to undo points from this skill.'
save_changes: '&aSave changes!'
save_lor1: '&7Click to add points to your skills!'
save_lor2: '&aWarning! After saving, skills can''t be changed!'
pet_stats: '&6Pet stats!'
stats_type: '&1Type: '
stats_level: '&6Level: '
stats_xp: '&bXP: '
stats_rename: '&aWrite /battlepets name to rename your pet!'
menu_stats: '&6Stats:'
menu_hp: '&cHP: '
menu_dmg: '&4Attack damage: '
menu_defense: '&1Total defense: '
menu_speed: '&aTotal speed: '
pet_shop: '&4Pet shop!'
pet_shop_lore: '&aClick to open pet shop!'
egg_return: '&7Return'
egg_return_lore: '&8Click to return pet to your inventory.'
disabled_zone_return: '&4Pets are not allowed in this zone. Returning to inventory.'
disabled_zone: '&4Pets are not allowed in this zone.'
second_pet: '&4Only 1 pet is allowed to be spawned!'
cmd_shop: '&6/battlepets shop - opens pets shop.'
cmd_slime_usage1: '&4Invalid slime. Usage: /battlepets egg {size}-{type}'
cmd_slime_usage2: '&4Choose size from 1 to 8.'
displayname: '{name} &r&4[Level {level}]'
defaultname: '&1My {type} Pet!'
reset_bought: Your pet skillpoints have been reseted!
menu_maxpoints: '&6Max Points'
corrupted_egg: '&4Corrupted egg. If you have this, contact administrators!'
cmd_cancel: '&6You cancelled your pet attack.'
pet_lowlevel_catch: '&4Your level is too low to catch this mob!'
menu_ride: '&6Ride your pet!'
menu_ride_lore: '&7Click to ride your pet!'