本帖最后由 Stay_adorable 于 2016-11-23 22:26 编辑
基于1.8Sponge的登陆插件 McBBSsponge贴 A Sponge minecraft server plugin for second authentication. It has a built-in
TOTP support.
Do you want to let your players protect their account (from hackers/login stealers) and keep playing while the session server is down. You can use this little plugin. You can protect your account with a password you choose or with a time based password created from a secret key, generated just for you.
Tested against:
Sponge: sponge-1.8-1499-2.1DEV-532
Minecraft (Client): 1.8.8
指令: /register <password> <password> - Registers using a specific password(注册)
/register - Generates your secret code for TOTP(随机生成密码)
/login <password/code> - Login using your password or time based code(登陆)
/logout - Logs you out(注销)
/flexiblelogin - Displays plugin name and version(显示插件信息)
Config: - # Algorithms for hashing user passwords. You can also choose totp
- hashAlgo=totp
- # Should the plugin login users automatically if it's the same account from the same IP
- ipAutoLogin=true
- # Database configuration
- sqlConfiguration {
- # Database name
- database=flexiblelogin
- # Password in order to login
- password=""
- # Path where the database is located. This can be a file path (h2/SQLite) or an IP/Domain(MySQL)
- path="%DIR%"
- # Port for example MySQL connections
- port=3306
- # SQL server type. You can choose between h2, SQLite and MySQL
- type=H2
- # Username to login the database system
- username=""
- }
复制代码下载地址: 原帖下载:https://github.com/games647/FlexibleLogin/releases 百度云:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gd2NalP