SBC是个非常轻量反作弊的插件 他有防止各种透视 小地图雷达 矿物追踪 更有spigot都不具备的 灵活动作的爬墙 加速跑 建筑小偷mod 没错,就是怎么屌
Rei's minimap 小地图
Minecraft Automap
Smart Moving 灵活动作
Schematica 建筑小偷
代码列表:- All block codes was obtained from public sources. If you have information about additional control codes for any mods, I will happy to include that codes in SBC.
- §3 §9 §2 §0 §0 §2 - x-ray
- §3 §9 §2 §0 §0 §1 - fly
- §3 §9 §2 §0 §0 §3 - radar
- Zombe
- §f §f §2 §0 §4 §8 - z-cheat
- §f §f §4 §0 §9 §6 - noclip
- §f §f §1 §0 §2 §4 - fly
- Rei's minimap
- §0§0§1§e§f - cave enable
- §0§0§2§3§4§5§6§7§e§f - radar (all entities, players)
- Minecraft Automap
- §0§0§1§f§e - ore detector
- §0§0§2§f§e - indoor/cave mapping
- §0§0§3§4§5§6§7§8§f§e - entity and player radar
- Smart Moving
- §0§1§0§1§2§f§f - climbing
- §0§1§3§4§f§f - swimming:
- §0§1§5§f§f - crawling:
- §0§1§6§f§f - sliding:
- §0§1§8§9§a§b§f§f - jumping
- §0§1§7§f§f - alternative fly
config设置内容(一般情况下完全不需要修改)- You don't need to edit config.yml if you going to enable or disable currently supported mods. Use permissions instead. You must edit configuration only if you going to add new block-codes or edit current.
- Default config file will be created after first-time plugin startup:
- # SBC by fromgate, http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/sbc/
- # You can add new block codes in this file:
- # Field: <BlockCodeGroup>.<BlockCodeName>.code must contain a block code
- # Field: <BlockCodeGroup>.<BlockCodeName>.block is set to "true" if this code
- # required to block mod and to "false" if this code required to allow mod
- schematica:
- printer:
- code: '&0&2&0&0&e&f'
- block: true
- save:
- code: '&0&2&1&0&e&f'
- block: true
- load:
- code: '&0&2&1&1&e&f'
- block: true
- cheats:
- zmbzcheat:
- code: '&f &f &2 &0 &4 &8 '
- block: true
- zmbnoclip:
- code: '&f &f &4 &0 &9 &6 '
- block: true
- cjbxray:
- code: '&3 &9 &2 &0 &0 &2 '
- block: true
- reicave:
- code: '&0&0&1&e&f'
- block: false
- automap-ore:
- code: '&0&0&1&f&e'
- block: true
- automap-cave:
- code: '&0&0&2&f&e'
- block: true
- smart-climb:
- code: '&0&1&0&1&2&f&f'
- block: true
- smart-swim:
- code: '&0&1&3&4&f&f'
- block: true
- smart-crawl:
- code: '&0&1&5&f&f'
- block: true
- smart-slide:
- code: '&0&1&6&f&f'
- block: true
- smart-jump:
- code: '&0&1&8&9&a&b&f&f'
- block: true
- fly:
- zmbfly:
- code: '&f &f &1 &0 &2 &4 '
- block: true
- cjbfly:
- code: '&3 &9 &2 &0 &0 &1 '
- block: true
- smart-fly:
- code: '&0&1&7&f&f'
- block: true
- radar:
- cjbradar:
- code: '&3 &9 &2 &0 &0 &3 '
- block: true
- reiradar:
- code: '&0&0&2&3&4&5&6&7&e&f'
- block: false
- automap-radar:
- code: '&0&0&3&4&5&6&7&8&f&e'
- block: true
- Config sections is include group node (cheats, fly, radar, schematica) and permission node for single block code (zmbzcheat, zmbnoclip, cjbxray, reicave, zmbfly... etc). Parameter code of the section includes block-code. The inv parameters is defining when blockcode will be sent to player. If inv is set to true block code will be sent if player has not a permission "sbc.<group>" or "sbc.<group node>.<permission node>". If ".block" is set to true, block-code will be sent only if player has a required permission (it means that tartget block require block-code to disable the mod functionality).
- Add new block-code or message
- You can add new block-codes to config.yml file, and even you can use SBC to display on join message to player defined by his permission. Example of custom block-code/message:
- custom:
- msg1:
- code: 'custom message No1'
- block: true
- msg2:
- code: 'custom message No2'
- block: false
- If player has permission "sbc.custom" he will receive message "custom message No2". But if he has not permission "sbc.custom" he will receive message "custom message No2". Same for permissions "sbc.custom.msg1" and "sbc.custom.msg2". If player has permission "sbc.custom.msg1" he will not receive "custom message No1". If player has permission "sbc.custom.msg2" he will receive "custom message No2".
sbc.cheats.zmbzcheat —允许zombe的zcheat透视
sbc.cheats.zmbnoclip —允许zombe的noclip飞行
sbc.cheats.cjbxray — 允许cjb的x-ray
sbc.cheats.reicave 允许reis map的洞穴透视
sbc.fly.zmbfly — 允许zombe的飞行
sbc.fly.cjbfly — 允许cjb的飞行
sbc.radar.reiradar — 允许reis map的雷达
sbc.radar.cjbradar — 允许cjb的雷达
sbc.cheats.automap-ore — 允许automap的矿物追踪
sbc.cheats.automap-cave — 允许automap的洞穴透视
sbc.radar.automap-radar 允许automap显示怪物和玩家
sbc.cheats.smart-climb — 灵活动作 爬行 爬墙
sbc.cheats.smart-swim — 灵活动作 花式游泳
sbc.cheats.smart-crawl — 灵活动作 爬行 趴地上
sbc.cheats.smart-slide — 灵活动作 滑行
sbc.cheats.smart-fly — 灵活动作 飞行
sbc.cheats.smart-jump — 灵活动作 跳
sbc.schematica.printer — 建筑 打印
sbc.schematica.load — 读取建筑
sbc.schematica.save — 存储建筑
搬运好辛苦 啊!
求给金币!! |