沉默 发表于 2019-5-27 02:07:05

Minecraft Earth我的世界 地球AR版开放预约送免费皮肤!

Minecraft Earth

5月17日,我的世界官网发布了一条重磅消息:新游戏:我的世界 Earth AR版,同时开放了预约,成功预约的玩家将在游戏内获得一个免费的皮肤,以下是官网放出的原文

An all-new augmented reality mobile game! 一个全新的AR手机游戏!                                          

                                                            Picture the scene: you’re walking through your neighbourhood and see a patch of grass. Grass is lovely and all, but you see this patch every day. It’s getting a little dull and is practically begging for a talented builder to brighten it up. So you take out your phone and craft a beautiful Minecraft build on a nearby picnic table. Then you place your colourful new Minecraft creation on the real-life grass.如图所示:每天路过邻居家时看到一模一样的草坪,时间长了会觉得有点无聊,不如在手机里打开我的世界地球吧!你将进入一个全新的世界,化身成为一个天才建筑师,发挥你的想象力,一起来和小伙伴们用我的世界把现实世界变得五彩缤纷吧!
You’ve just used the power of augmented reality to bring the Minecraft universe into our universe, making it a bit more block-tastic. Nicely done! Also, er, how did you do that?可能你之前已经见识过了AR(虚拟现实)的强大力量了,但是来尝试一下属于我的世界风格的方块魅力吧!等等,你们是怎么做到的?!!(官方卖萌)
With our new mobile game, Minecraft Earth!欢迎体验我们的全新手机游戏:我的世界 地球!We can think of no better way to celebrate our tenth anniversary than by finally being able to tell you about our top-secret-but-not-anymore-thank-goodness-because-if-I-had-to-keep-schtum-about-this-for-even-one-more-second-I’d-explode-like-a-creeper augmented reality mobile game! This is Minecraft like you’ve never experienced it before, allowing you to give your day-to-day life a Minecraft makeover! Here’s just some of the AR awesomeness you’ll be able to get up to in Minecraft Earth:

没有比在10周年庆典这个时候告诉你这个顶级秘密更让人觉得合适的了,因--为-如-果-让-我-守-口-如-瓶-的-话,我-可-能-会-像-苦-力-怕-一-样-爆-炸-!!(官方卖萌X2)[*]Collect! Minecraft Earth features many of the mobs you know and love, along with a bunch of new ones we can’t wait to show you. Over time, you’ll get the chance to discover unique variants, and use them to populate your builds. Minecraft pigs parading around your local park? That’s about to become your reality.收集!在Minecraft Earth里会有很多你一定会喜欢的生物,还有一大堆新家伙们我们等不及向你展示啦!你将有机会发觉他们独一无二的魅力,甚至用它们来装饰现实生活中的建筑!

[*]Explore! Your real-life neighbourhood is about to take on a new dimension. Gather resources, take on challenges, and experience a whole new world to discover!探索!要为现实生活中的邻居打开一个新维度啦!收集资源,接受挑战,体验全新的世界!
[*]Collaborate! Build even better by teaming up with other Minecraft Earth players. You can craft amazing creations together. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!配合!在Minecraft Earth里与一群小伙伴一起搭建的建筑一定超级棒!我们等不及让你与朋友们分享你们一起合作的喜悦啦!
[*]Survive! Sure, you’re good at fighting hostile mobs in Minecraft, but are you ready to battle Minecraft mobs in real life? Best of luck, because we’re going to put your survival skills to the test!

Excited? So are we! Head over to our Minecraft Earth page for more info and learn how you can sign up for a chance to play the limited beta coming 我的世界测试版将于这个夏天与大家见面!这里是预约地址。






小土块 发表于 2019-6-12 16:42:49


happyvalley_lmx 发表于 2019-7-11 11:46:10


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都比坏坏 发表于 2019-10-14 18:04:17

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