[主机资讯] Minecraft 主机版 TU58/1.57/1.60/Patch 28/Patch 8 发布
主机版即Xbox 360,Xbox One版,PlayStation 3/4/Vita版,WiiU版,Switch版,由4J Studios为Mojang开发。
[*]Added Stranger Things Skin Pack.
[*]Add a time-limited Halloween Tumble arena, including specially themed layers!
[*]Added the "Custom" game type to the Battle Mini Game with a huge variety of new settings, including:
[*]Enable choosing the number of lives per round that each player gets.
[*]Enable choosing the number of rounds to play before the winner is selected.
[*]Enable forcing map size.
[*]A variety of different options to manage how players heal, and how quickly they get hungry.
[*]Added the No Armor item set to Custom Battle games, an item set designed to keep the combat fast-paced and exciting.
[*]Added the High Power item set to Custom Battle games, allowing you to play Battle with some of the most powerful items in Minecraft!
[*]Added the Decayed item set to Custom Battle games; every item breaks after a few uses, so you'll need to keep moving.
[*]在自定义Battle 游戏中添加了腐朽物品的设置,每个物品都会在使用几次后损坏,所以你需要不停地移动。
[*]Added the Food Central item set to Custom Battle games. Food is only found in the centre chests, and equipment only in the outer chests.
[*]在自定义Battle 游戏中添加了中心点物品是食物的设置。食物只能在中心的箱子中找到,而装备只能在外围的箱子中找到。
[*]Added the "Custom" game type to Tumble Mini Game with a huge variety of new settings, including:
[*]Enable choosing the number of lives per round that each player gets.
[*]Enable choosing the number of layers, and controlling the size of the layers.
[*]Added Fireworks as a usable weapon in Custom Tumble games.
[*]Added Splash Potions of Levitation as a usable weapon in Custom Tumble games.
[*]Added Spectator Participation to Custom Tumble games!
[*]Players can now spectate Battle and Tumble Mini Games as a Parrot, Vex, or floating head.